Horrifying video of police officer attacked by wild animal INSIDE Saint Petersburg PD

After a certain point they just couldn’t even…

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For some reason, all I could think of was McCartney’s song, “Rat on the Run.”

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You got a like for what will probably be the most obscure reference today on the BBS!

I vaguely recollect it. That’s from either Woody Allen or Brian De Palma, right?


I’m hip.

Can’t find the Allen online, but it’s from Love and Death.

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Sure it can! This is one of the indicators that group selection is real and very important.

When an unprepared, unspecialized group* is attacked, for optimal group survival, some members should counterattack, some should freeze or fall, and some should run. That way if the attack is impossible to defeat, the death of up to two subsets of the group may serve to ensure the survival of a third subset. In observed consensus reality, human groups do act in this fashion when attacked by surprise.

* Such as a human tribal village. A specialised group, such as an army battalion, mime theatre, or Olympic track team, will probably behave differently.

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But surely the USA is totally into Russian allusions these days?


Awesome! My world view once again makes sense, thanks!

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