Hours after worst mass shooting in US history, Trump "appreciates the congrats for being right"


I think you’re projecting.

I’m not white. Your comments about blacks, latinos, and arabs is ridiculous and I don’t see the basis in my comments for it. I support the same rights for all races and creeds.

I support the rights of people; I don’t think prior restraint is a good policy, particularly when it comes to fundamental rights.

Yes, 50 people died. I agree that access to firearms assisted that person in carrying out that crime. I still believe that ownership of those arms is a fundamental right and that our society will be better served in the long term by supporting that right.

The war against an armed populace is happening/has been happening in politics now in America. I don’t think it is as vile and destructive as the war on drugs, but I am for personal freedom in all of those areas and think they are important.

ETA: Gun control (weapon technology), like voting control, has been used as a suppression tool for the rulers throughout history and in the US. All the pro-RKBA people I have met and know in CA want those same freedoms for all. I can’t deny the strong red neck white hick stereotype but I think it is an overly broad stereotype. NRA stuff like the Charlie Daniels stuff that gets posted here doesn’t help in representing the many aspects of gun owners and gun culture in the US.


Worst… human… ever.
DEVO was right.


I think a lot of that boils down to two positions:
1 - the “libertarian” RKBA as an absolute
2 - the idea that RKBA encompasses self defense uses, in which case there is a significant advantage in handguns and semi-auto rifles

[quote=“rkt88edmo, post:63, topic:79618”] I still believe that ownership of those arms is a fundamental right and that our society will be better served in the long term by supporting that right.

Yea, except every other western country in the world has more strict gun control than we do and they don’t have these mass shootings.
The NRA is a terrorist organization.


I don’t think it’s really fair to call it a “war” if only one side is doing all the killing.


OK, let’s weigh the pros and cons. Can you cite at least 50 incidents in which private ownership of a semiautomatic assault-style rifle was critical to saving an innocent life? (That would only balance out this one tragedy but it would be a nice place to start.)


sad sick dinky dick don the con is a lonely guy who has to praise himself when others don’t.

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Would you mind if I were to use your phrase to describe the individual I’ve been referring to as The Diseased Cheeto.

Probably not, an interesting exercise. There’s no balance here though.

It’s even worse than in the days of Al-Qaeda, that never has been so much of an organization than a franchise. Daesh is cornered, suffering defeat after defeat, and reacts with more attempts at Terror for PR reasons. And for the same terror reasons, it claims ties to anything that hurts civilization, however remote from its actual reach.


Only number 3? Come on, 'murica, we can do better than that.



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“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Do you support the entire Second Amendment, or just the second half of it?

The traditional interpretation is that it was to protect the states’ right to form a militia. The modern “anyone’s right for any reason” interpretation is very recent, since 2008’s District of Columbia v. Heller case.


“Jesus, what a cunt!”

For when “Christ, what an asshole!” just doesn’t cut it.

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Trump is self destructing even more quickly than I would have predicted. Now that we’re in the general phase of the election for all intents and purposes, shit like this won’t fly. The Dems couldn’t have asked for a better opponent. I predict Hillary winning in the biggest landslide of my lifetime.


Aside from all the other ways in which he is being a total preening shitsack; there’s the fact that being ‘right’ is utterly meaningless if you can’t be ‘right’ in a way that actually provides something approaching useful guidance to action.

If you cast a wide enough net, it’s trivial to be ‘right’ about threats(though it’s arguable that Trump didn’t even manage that: his message has been about teh Muslins, not about their children); but it’s also totally useless “Some guy might shoot the place up” doesn’t leave you much to go on.

To claim to be ‘right’ while being this vague is either pure puffery or implicit acceptance of a ‘well, if we can’t narrow it down just send them all to the camps’ approach; neither of which is terribly impressive or useful.

Also of note, apparently the FBI managed to be rather more specific in their suspicions, and they still didn’t find anything they could justify keeping a case open about.


Yikes. No use embellishing this. Reality is offically outpacing “satire” now.

The bright side: this type of assholery is reflexive with Trump. We can count on lots more, and with the grace of all that is good and right in the world, the self-centered jackass will indeed go off the proverbial cliff.

Prayers and resolve for the victims in Orlando.

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Never underestimate the stupidity of a mob. Playing stupid mob mentality is the thing that Donald does best.


Can someone explain to me how these two words “well regulated” from the 2nd amendment are relevant?

Being Canadian, I have no dog in this fight. But I am affected by the 800-lb gorilla living to the south. I admire some of what that gorilla does (better free speech, the whole loose collection of states idea, etc), but I just can’t wrap my head around how those two words are ignored.

I have no problem with private citizens owning weapons. I accept the whole “guns keep the government in check”; might not be relevant in modern times, but as a theory, good idea.

I know what I would appreciate: seeing Trump in a wicker man.