Originally published at: How a $100,000 K-Pop chicken nugget led to a new QAnon pedophilia conspiracy | Boing Boing
My first thought was, “don’t most Chicken McNuggets look like the character from Among Us?”
Someone out there has a really poor money-to-brains ratio.
EAIAC: Every Accusation Is A Confession
If you see paedophilia everywhere, look in the mirror.
At the core of every Conspiracy Theory is a Nugget of Truth.
“There are more slaves today than in any time in history,”
Considering the proportion is much smaller today, but our population is over 10x what it was in 1700, she might accidentally be right. However barely.
Oh man, who’s gonna be the one to have to tell them about fish sticks?
I’m left wondering if this is somehow payback for K-pop stans buying all those tickets to make the Trump rally fail last year?
It’s so wild that millions of Americans can see evidence of child trafficking in a chicken nugget but can’t see it in the behavior of multiple prominent Republicans facing investigations or indictments for child trafficking.
I want out of this timeline.
Hmmm…maybe if we deep-fried those Republicans, the truth will be revealed?
I’m willing to try this method, but not willing to taste test it.
There isn’t enough marinade nor antacid in the world!
These creatures really need to get a grip.
The stupid, it’s deep fried…
Maybe they think that those Republicans are really just buying and selling junk food?
The Q nuts and their friends are obsessed with pedophilia and child trafficking. It reminds me of the “white slavery” mania of the late 19th-early 20th century. (For those who missed it, this was the narrative that swarthy villains were forcing thousands of beautiful young white women into prostitution.) The Q nuts make such a big deal of the subject that one would almost think they get off thinking about it. As for those “prominent Republicans” facing indictment, I suspect the Q response would be (primarily from women) that the accusations are fake news or (primarily from men) that the Republicans in question sure got lucky.
I was sure that somehow the fact that K-pop stars look like kids themselves was somehow going to factor into this conspiracy. Am disappoint, but am also somewhat pleased the actual conspiracy is so much dumber than that. “Someone spent more money than was reasonable for something - it’s a front for child slavery!” (Wait till they find out about Trump’s money laundering operations and how much more he was being paid for things than they were worth… Or, really, the entire world of luxury goods.)
It’s been pointed out that the whole Q/“save the children” conspiracies are driven by women who don’t want to acknowledge the reality of child molestation - that in reality the risk is that their boyfriends/male relatives are molesting their kids. Much easier to create fantasies about distant situations they didn’t have to worry about.
Well the prison population is 2.3 million, and the peak enslaved person population in the US was less than 60,000. So yeah, it’s true by orders of magnitude. Entirely accidentally. about 4 million. So, nope.
Under normal circumstances that would be funny. But right now . . . Someone might take that seriously.
Somebody is trafficking BTS?
I don’t think that’s right:
Take for example, Charleston County, South Carolina. In 1790, almost 51,000 people were enslaved in that county. In 1840, the slave population reached its peak of nearly 59,000 people; by 1860, there were 37,000 enslaved people, just 63 percent as many slaves as two decades earlier.
That’s just one county, probably a big one, but just one.
And slavery spread because enslaved African Americans were forced to migrate. Historian Steven Deyle estimates “that between 1820 and 1860 at least 875,000 American slaves were forcibly removed from the Upper South to the Lower South.”