Semi-wooosh for you, my friend.
Not that improbable, what with her dad being King and all that.
I meant more how her dad became King to begin with… I mean, yeah, the British monarchy has a pretty fucked up history full of “stranger than fiction” twists and turns but I don’t think many predicted Edward would abdicate the throne to go marry an American socialite divorcée, or that her dad would die at an early age never having born a son. These things probably weren’t on many 20th century bingo cards.
Or, hear me out, a death-grip on power…
Hearing the word “passing”, it makes me think the Queen is crop-dusting the populace during the Jubilee parade.
As an American I’ve never, repeat never, comprehended the fascination for the Royal Family in general and the Queen in particular. I can understand the British being interested. You’re stuck with them, after all. I don’t understand why so many Americans are fixated on them. When in I was in high school in the mid-1960s our “Contemporary World Problems” teacher made us memorize the line of succession to the Throne to the tenth place–no lie!–and tested us on it. Personally I could never figure out what The Royals did other than spend loads of money and tamp down scandals. Tell me, O Britons, does the royal family have any genuine positive effect upon your lives? Do the British people take them seriously?
It’s interesting and exotic to many Americans.
Now, the Queen works very hard on the 67days a year that she works (aside from signing a few papers each morning).
Why, her subjects pay for it of course.
That’s the deal. She gets to be Queen, we pay for it.
I understand that there are worse forms of government. Watery tarts throwing swords at people, for one example…
Taking a stone from the Scots is pretty much how it has worked since the 13th century.
Will they turn on William at the same time?
Is the Crown Prince always treated as a kind of bad omen, a walking and talking reminder of the mortality of the Monarch?
Given the stupendous shitshow that’s been the UK since 2010, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords right now looks like a bloody brilliant basis for a system of government.
I doubt they’ll turn on William, they like him. His brother Harry is the target of their ire.
Frankly, it’s all bloody complicated.
Oh no, it isn’t. William married a white lady, Harry married a black lady.
So their targets are already clearly defined…
Some of them are arguably quite fortunate- World War 2 might have gone differently if Edward VIII was still king.
The king had nothing to do with ww2.
Perhaps you didn’t understand the reference to Edward VIII and his sympathies with Nazism and Hitler:
You have hit the nail on the head.
Our taxes pay for this real-life soap-opera.
(we also pay another tax to watch Eastenders)