Perhaps she has already gone and this is just “Weekend at Betty’s”?
She might just have Covid, like a certain prince and a certain archbishop.
(coughs, bullshitters.)
Boris’s favourite phrase is “levelling up”. I didn’t know Charlie had bought into it.
But I can assure you, as a resident, that it doesn’t exist.
Dumbing down and dragging everyone but a certain elitist class into the mud might be more accurate.
I imagine the word “historic” will get thrown around ALOT.
The speech is written by the government of the day. The monarch (or in this case, the understudy) just reads it out. Of course it was stuffed with tory slogans, this was another chance to get them broadcast.
I have some idea how England will respond. I know how I will have to respond - by going on a total media blackout for at least 2 weeks.
We’re going to level up opportunity, you see. As always, it’s up to the shiftless unwashed to pull themselves up by their nonexistent bootstraps and take advantage of said opportunity. And since it wll be leveled up, you see, it will be all that much higher and harder to reach, you see –
Cue Monty Python yoink-from-stage gif
What? (or WTF!!!)
He’s reading The Queen’s Speech - a speech written by the government for the monarch to read out announcing what her (soon to be his) government will do in the forthcoming parliamentary session, and on this occasion read by Charles who was standing in for his mother.
(I see @purplecat beat me to it.)
I know, but as you may have guessed I’m not a fan of either the tories or the posh 'uns, so I’ll get a dig in where I can.
I would like to see the day, however, when BorisTheSpider is refused a knighthood because he lied bare-faced to Madge.
I must say, you channelled him impeccably.
So Shrub was misspeaking again when he said we need to make the pie higher?
Psst, George, it’s a fucking cake, not a pie!
More like “premium mediocrity”. Like a taxpayer funded Olive Garden.
I’m pretty sure she’s in it for the long haul. The improbable series of events that led to her eventual ascension to Queen is still living memory for some — including of course herself. She said early on she would do her job for the rest of her life. She’ll retire when the rest of her body “retires”.
It truly was a series of unfortunate events.
“You will take this crown, from my cold, dead hands!”
And who pays for all that?
The taxpayers, of course.