Humiliated Trump issues ultimatum to GOP: pass healthcare act now or I'll never repeal Obamacare

Why do you think Obama put it forward to begin with? Quick easy ‘win’ in having a bipartisan plan that republians surely would have gotten behind because it’s their plan… and any issues could be ironed out later knowing that we might have something imperfect BUT IT IS SOMETHING.

Nope. Dig heels in and caww about deathpannels and socialism. Because fuck democrats right? theyr’e the reaosn this country is going to hell right? THem and their liberal agenda… Right?


BTW, what’s going in in that picture?

Did Trump open a golf course in Georgia? Or is he helping Vlad negotiate a new border with South Ossetia?



Donald Trump speaks to the press during an announcement that Trump is investing in the development of luxury properties in the country of Georgia at a press conference in New York March 10, 2011.



I think they are deeply aware that if a GOP controlled Congress impeached Trump, it’d give him the most severe narcissistic injury in his life and he’d spend the rest of his life attempting revenge by spilling whatever goods on them he has. He has no principles, and no loyalty to the GOP or to anything other than his bottom line - he’d probably monetize screwing them over.


Awwww. Bless 'em! Bless their adorable little hearts!


I would fear DJT looking good vetoing a bunch of globalist RINO establishment bills to the glee of his goldfish-like base, but I know for a fact that his words have no meaning and he has never kept a promise to do anything.


He does get around, doesn’t he?

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Dude (or Dudette, as the case may be), I am sorry your folks are not bother by facts or by leaving a little air between their words. What’s making Trumpdontcare fail is a feature, not a flaw. It’s unsustainable. So is Obamacare, but at a somewhat slower pace. So is medical insurance as a whole.

The only system that can succeed is one in which the rich either pay their fair share of taxes, or pay the FULL price of the labor they need, or (preferably) both. Right now, they are paying neither.


[quote=“beschizza, post:1, topic:97607”]
moderate Republicans fear what the resulting death toll will do to their election prospects. [/quote]

Considering that states that went to Trump are among the biggest beneficiaries of ACA, the macabre thought occurs to me: Is this the system self-correcting?


If only we’d started in the late 1950s like they did. I fear that the problem of implementation became insoluble as a matter of politics, years ago already.

And, well, I’m hoping we don’t get to experience any kind of “Trumpcare” at all. The chance that it will lead to anything better in the long run is small. I guess what I’m objecting to is, don’t root for the storm cloud because you can see its silver lining. Perhaps it’s not what you meant.


Vote for republicans, you get what you deserve.


So whatever happened to the " people will be able to buy insurance across state lines " go-to line ??? And someone, i forget, was saying that it’s a mute point anyway because insurance companies won’t expand infrastructure into other states anyway

At which point, i don’t get why they don’t make a Trivago for health insurance


Except that’s the rub. My folks and extended family think the ritch DESERVE to not to have to pay for everyone else since in their mind that disensintivises doing well.

I can’texplain it to them both because I largely don’t quite grok to the point of fuly articulating, and i’m just wrung out and rather want to not have a fight at the dinner table.

ALso it is Dude, very much Dude. I am fortunate in being happy with the plumbing that was factory installed.


I’d love to see phase 2 of the boss battle when Trump reveals his hidden form - I’m thinking bat wings and demon horns, and he spews literal bullshit from his mouth that you have to dodge in between hitting him in his glowing vulnerable ego spot with truth.


'Twixt golfing, groping, and channel surfing, I’m sure he’s had at least a minute or two to give it a rheumy glance.


Dude, I might be able to help you there.

My feeling on the matter is, that if an employer needs to have a human being doing a job, then that job should paid at rate at least equal to or greater than living wage. Otherwise, the employer is forcing others to subsidize the cost of their employees.

Get them to agree on this point. It might take days, or even weeks. But hammer home how unfair and unjust it is that the cheapskate employer is STEALING from hardworking taxpayers whenever they fail to pay employees living wage that includes all costs of living (obviously including medical care/insurance)

Then drop the other shoe :smirk:


Which is why, if they Go impeachment, they have to go all in. Treason, or close enough, so that he goes down so deep that he can’t reach them. And all of his sycophants, too, or he could reach out from the deep, deep hole they would have to bury him in.

Ok, that sounds more like the plot to Hellboy 3: The Orange Combover.


We started in 1912. Well, that was just a campaign platform of a losing candidate, but serious efforts at universal healthcare began in earnest in the 40s.

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He’s been careful to avoid being in situations where people can ask him questions about it, because he clearly has less than no clue. But given that they’re apparently re-writing it tonight, by the time they vote on it, no one will know what’s in it.

Now that’s what I can a win/win!

It was always nonsense. Nothing was stopping them except, as you say, all the infrastructure the insurance companies would have to put in place that they didn’t want to do.