If Trump is removed from office, says famous pastor, "veterans, cowboys, mountain men" will go on a Democrat killing spree

Well, in as much “the people” elect any president.

I hadn’t really thought about how the right wing has turned toxic masculinity into a recruiting tool, but yeah, it’s so true.
That toxic masculinity is such a core part of the right wing self-image, and conservative, small-town life. (I was recently reading something by someone talking about how it was causing the self-destruction of rural America.) It’s been weird watching how that self-image combines with a liberal urban/conservative rural and “red state vs. blue state” mentality, leading conservatives to the conclusion that, for example, no one in blue/liberal urban areas do “real jobs” (as if manual labor didn’t exist there) and blue states don’t produce agriculture (of the 9 major agriculture-exporting counties in the US, 8 are in California). It’s so weird.

Unfortunately the whole toxic masculinity recruiting thing is also how terrorist groups work, so the right wing fantasies about civil war fall apart (as you point out, they can’t even manage a major protest without being drowned out by counter-protestors), but they’re definitely going to be an ongoing source of terrorism in the near future.


I wonder how Republican politicians would react if there was a revolt big enough to seize an armory or a state house, with the requisite murdered police officers and county clerks that would inevitably come with that. How would Fox News react? Cliven Bundy was one thing, armed insurrection and mass murder are another. IF it comes to that I predict chaos in the GOP ranks, maybe quite a few politicians finding their souls and/or backbones.


It’s difficult to predict, beyond that bunch of cowards and opportunists tightening up their own security, calling the white supremacist terrorists “lone wolves”, and JAQing off with the goal of blaming liberals, progressives, and Democrats for creating the situation that led to the incident.


Sufficiently motivated people have been resisting drones with small arms, at least to the extent of making large areas completely ungovernable, since drones have been a thing. Americans have not been that motivated, and the populations in America that have had reasons to be that motivated have typically been disarmed by the government.

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I’m sorry but are ‘mountain men’ really something to be desperately afraid of?
Scruffy, bearded, unwashed middle aged men driving their battered pick-ups into the next hick town to start a firefight with police officers in a Wallmart parking lot… so effin’ what?


111,000 Afghan civilians and combatants have been killed since 2001, compared with 2,400 US service members, and the upshot is that major parts of Afghanistan are ungovernable. Thanks but no thanks, though you do make insurgency sound enticing.

It’s starting to seem like we humans can’t kill our way to a better world. It’s also starting to seem like we’ll never stop trying.


Umm, who cares what this guy says? Wouldn’t we do better to focus our minds on the fact that Trump’s removal means the accession of Mike Pence.


Hell yeah, Borther! Mow Lawn Labia!


Not if it happens via 2020 elections.

Anyway, if Trump is impeached and removed, Pence becomes a tetraplegic duck for the (short) remain of the term.


It depends what side they are on. The right wing would be terrified by these mountain men.


And yet they are doing climate change studies, despite an administration which denies its existence

They fought back on the proposed trans ban


Next door, 1,000,000 Uyghurs are in medical experiment death camps. If they were in a position to rise up in arms, they wouldn’t be any worse off, even if they lost. When that’s the alternative, I’ll take insurgency any day.

Not resisting wouldn’t have kept us from bombing this afghans, any more than it kept the Chinese from putting Uyghurs in death camps.

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Very interesting. Always good to learn something new about unions, workers’ rights, anti-monopolist movements and such; ‘company towns’ are also of interest to me. Lastly, seems like the coal miners of yore were pretty badass.






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