Immigration authorities detain Muhammad Ali, Jr. at Florida airport, demand to know if he's Muslim

Although that’s a natural reaction, I’m not sure that’s such a great idea - dropping them into the general workforce as it might. Although this may dilute the toxicity, there’s something to be said for keeping 'em in jobs where we have come to expect behaviour like this. At least we know where they are and can keep 'em under observation.

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The answer they’re expecting is probably “The brothers in prison helped me choose my name when I converted.”


I was thinking Richard Nixon.

Or fuck it - “I’m the illegitimate son of Donald Trump”.


Also this: Agents and other administrators in the system will perceive/fantasise/believe that the whole nasty racist plan is actually going to work, and will conclude the optimal path for them is to build in early high-profile attacks on non-whites, within the boundaries of non-prosecution for themselves.

i.e. they’re being nasty to get attention later from their seniors.


Is your hidey-hole all prepared, or is this what other people should do?

I ask because writing your congressmen is a much better bet, today, than fear-mongering about the end of times because some bureaucrats are way way out of line. I’m adding this happening to the next letter I write.



That’s not just common idiocy. Pulling someone aside and then letting them pass because they are in a picture with a celebrity is common idiocy.

This is bigotry. It’s a real special flavor of dumb.


So, if someone knew this but was asking anyhow, what do you think would be the motivation?


You’re assuming they can read.


Your comment, plus what @ActionAbe said: if it comes down to hiding it’s too late. Dreadposting is much, much less effective. Agreed.

That said, I have room for one.


Homeopathy, man; It’s for assholes, by assholes.


I guess the protagonist of Moby-Dick would have trouble getting back into the US. “Call me Ishmael” indeed!


One wonders if they will detain and harass Barack Hussein Obama when they get a chance… Hopefully he still has his birth certificate handy.


Perhaps, but I would imagine their numbers are dwarfed by those who unthinkingly go along with nasty racist orders just because they’re orders, and those looking for an excuse to do nasty racist things because they’re something they believe in and want to do. Also, simulating being an eager racist just in hopes of advancing seems like a risky strategy, even if they perceive that as a path to advancement because of racist superiors - there would be the chance of getting into trouble for overstepping one’s authority in the absence of clear guidelines. Even a sympathetic superior would be looking for scapegoats in the event of trouble. Of course, that assumes there’s any accountability in the system, and I don’t know if that’s true…

It might be more accurate to say that the FBI has has a well-documented history as an organization filled with racists. Just look, for example, at the FBI relative to the civil rights movement.

Assuming illiteracy in this case is highly charitable.


J Edgar Hoover.

(The problem with all security services is what floats to the top, e.g. Beria. The job description is not likely to attract people of a progressive bent.)

It’s called “releasing them into the community” and it never ends well. Next thing is they’ll be doing armed neighborhood watch patrols, and where know where that leads.

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An English Unitarian minister used to tell the story of his secretary being harassed by National Front supporters.
“Go back where you came from!”
“Well, go back where your parents came from!”
“Well, go back where your grandparents came from!”
“You got me, they came from Harrow.”2

1London suburb
2Another London suburb
A lot of black Britons had ancestors here before the American Revolution.


I was tempted to answer with a picture from Oklahoma, but decided not to.

Instead, @ResearchWahlberg got me covered.


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Oh yeah, you can believe if the shit hits the fan, any fawning sycophants will be thrown under the bus in a flash. There’ll be no memos, no paper trail, just a gibbering weakling saying ‘but he said I could, or I should, or something - but he told me to!’

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A great (& sad) photo history of the classic Ali…

Trump is a racists and fascist. Time to go after Ryan and McConnell. They are the ones that defending his position.