In crazy tweet, Donald Trump claims police spied on him

“People tell me this Max Headroom guy is a great guy. Good for America! Getting spanked like the fake news media!”


You may have unconsciously chosen every plant, veggie, herb and flower that Trump would be totally unaware of and be baffled by. Good conscience! Come here! Good boi!

Re-relish Kurt Russell’s reaction when the ‘eyeball’ creature shows up!

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Translation: George Floyd was murdered, the rights of POC are continually trampled upon, but Trumpy is the real victim here!

Insert puking noises here.

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The police is being seen more and more as an enemy by common people every day; he might be faking this to slowly take some distance from them as preventive PR move.

Watched with my teenage daughter last month or so. Before watching she asked me “is it scary or like seventies scary?” she decided it was in fact, scary.


70’s scary?

Damn, that’s cold.


Why is he taking about the Clinton Campaign now? I thought he got over Hillary.
The FBI definitely influenced that election.

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