In prison interview, QAnon Shaman shares paranoid fantasies about the Deep State's "two-tiered slavery system"

So when he said he was misled and groomed he was just trying to get away with it and hasn’t changed his ways at all. Hopefully when he is seeking release this interview will be used as evidence against him.


The thing is, the first two highlights – the one about prison being pretty hellish, and him using the physical pain of tattooing to cope with emotional pain of his father’s suicide – entirely make sense.

It’s just that he immediately swerves into the paranoid lunacy after that, and never comes back.


Oh, now he wants prison reform. He certainly picked the winning team to get that one done.


So, what they’ve been saying about the availability of recreational drugs in lockups is real. Must be some good shit too!

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In his case intellect clearly comes mostly from the bladder and colon. Then he just lets it flow.


None of these wackos ever explains how, if these “deep states” are so powerful, how it is these guys are still alive to spout their conspiracy theories for years at a time when the Illuminati or Amway Distributors or whatever can just make people they dislike vanish into a Wal-Mart prison camp via those unmarked vans or black helicopters or use their occult time travel powers to go back and “fix” the timeline so these people won’t survive to reveal the Truth.

Not exactly difficult to arrange for an “accident” to happen to someone in prison even if you’re just a no-account gang leader let alone running a dimension spanning conspiracy.

“Has no friends in prison”. Imagine that.


Jesus fuck, never mind.




Several small-scale studies (involving 15 or fewer test subjects) conducted in the 1950s and 1960s reported that adrenochrome triggered psychotic reactions such as thought disorder and derealization.[4]

In 1954, researchers Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond claimed that adrenochrome is a neurotoxic, psychotomimetic substance and may play a role in schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.[5]

Explains a lot.


I’m (sort of) wondering what would happen if he or other Q-types were to read The Coyote Kings.

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Just, you know, some books. Any fucking books. So long as they stay the fuck away from the internet.


Oh, FFS!
HST was feeding a line of bullshit to a cop at a convention! If he had read the book, he would know that.
Dude’s not crazy. He sounds like he o.d’d on Art Bell at an early age.
He’s not wrong about the bankers; but even a blind pig finds an acorn now & then…


He didn’t say “bankers”, he said “international bankers”.

When someone says “International bankers”, they mean “The Jews”, every goddamn time.


Point taken. Mea Culpa.
Tell me the likes of Wells Fargo, etc. aren’t despicable scum, though.
That’s what I’m referring to… the ‘banker’ part.

True, that.
I, for one, would never mistake Angela Merkel for H*****, so I wonder about this dude’s grip on Reality.
Way too many people have bought into this QAnon crapola; and since the ‘real’ Q hasn’t been heard from in months, people have been making shit up. This doesn’t bode well for anyone.


Just to be clear, when Q was around everything in that sphere was still made up


Kinda like what El Rushbo did [and his imitators are doing]:
Bring a big cauldron of pure B.S. to boil, throw in a couple of chicken necks, & call it Chicken Soup.
Metaphorically speaking.


Sorry to hear that. The older I get the more I appreciate what great parents I have. Kind, generous people who worked hard to make the world a better place.


Thank you, I knew and know that many folks were raised with love, mine was a different path, it warms my heart to hear that you were cared for.


I had to look this up. Hard to stay current with all the craziness. But you are right about it being something that goes back for ages - it’s easier to hate when you demonize the other side and claiming that the demons on the other side are attacking, hurting children and using their blood for evil gain is the fastest route to self-justified hatred of others because you don’t have to consider them humans any more.


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