Interesting shirt from this weekend's Trump rally

“There is no other CHOICE

We’re making progress! He at least gets it’s a choice people get to make. Right?


Ignoring your use of the phrase “Bernie Bro”*, I want to agree with you, I guess?

The Democratic Party isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Every time the Presidency changes hands there’s bullshit talk like this. Remember when Obama won in 2008 after eight years of Bush and these people were on the air talking about how the Republican Party was done for?

I also think we should work within the existing system, rather than tear one party down and put a new one up in its place.

However, that’s where our agreement ends.

  1. We should work within the system, not magically expect the system to work for us
  2. Supporting the Democratic Party doesn’t mean leaving the same old foxes in charge of the henhouse. Vote The Bums Out. Replace them with socialists with D’s in front of their names if you need to, and I think we need to.
  3. Reach out to the left wing (i.e., those who would be considered centrist in Europe or even Canada). There are a lot of us, and we’re floating out there rudderless. We’re not beholden to the Democratic Party, or really any party, but we will gladly vote Democratic if they reach out to us. It’s not that what we want will alienate Middle America, because mainstream Democratic politics eventually comes around to the left wing positions eventually. Also, as someone who was born and raised in the Midwest, there are more of us crazy lefties out there than you’d think. We just have to keep it under wraps, because it’s literally more socially acceptable to be a white nationalist than it is to be left wing.

*Is this still the 2016 primary season?


Too bad they don’t give a fuck, and it’s all for show.

Oh, yeah! Get your money and catch the fire!

As soon as the GOP and their base just shifted harder right the writing was on the wall. The DNC has to be a diverse and conflicted party to have any success whatsoever, and instead they are uniting under the military (and NSA, FBI, etc.) and business. They should unite under actual important national issues like healthcare, voting rights, and individual’s rights and stop chasing Reagan democrats who will never give up the wealthy white guy voting pattern.


I’m willing to bet that guy doesn’t work in human factors.

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When will this crowd get around to making the men’s room sign have a dick picture, and the ladies’ room sign have a vulva picture? Because when I see the dress picture and I’m wearing a dress, it seems right.


To be honest, I’m a little annoyed at that myself, but for a different reason:

At some point, the number of “scientifically recognized” genders becomes so large that it gets into the same sort problem that Taxonomists have: it becomes a philosophical divide between “splitters” and “lumpers.” It becomes more a question of the sorting preferences of the observer than on the actual data.

Why not just call it a multi-dimensional continuum and acknowledge that trying to apply any arbitrary number of labels to human sexuality does the labelee a disservice :grey_question:


wait a minute- what’s that song line, " and the sign said long haired freaky people need not apply… " ? I guess the irony would be lost on him that his parents generation and maybe even his own parents, protested in the streets so that he could have the right to walk around with that hair.


That shirt makes nonsex… get it? Nonsense? (rimshot)

Don’t quit the day job?


You must be this long to enter.


Well, it was Lilith and Adam, and then Eve - if one wants to get picky!



The really perplexing choice is why so many people are violently insecure about sex and gender issues. So proud to be scared! Woohoo!


It is right. Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise :heart_eyes:


They have no idea what a vulva is or looks like.


I have to admit, I used the urinals at a bar/grille where the glass was a one way mirror. It was disconcerting as all hell trying to pee while there was quite literally a couple eating buffalo wings and drinking beer right in front of me.


My hat is made from three different animals! YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID!


It’s one of them there commie pinko Swedish cars, ain’t it?


One way mirrors are far from perfect. I’m sure if someone really wanted to see through the other way, they could have.

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