Interviews with some of NASCAR's most ridiculous, drunk, and sophomoric fans (NSFW)

Forget Trump. There’s a real live “Reagan Bush '84” tank top at about 25 seconds in.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
A “Bush Cheney 1984” model would have blown my mind.

At 2:55 an entrant for the Richard Petty look-alike contest walks past.

I guess the promise to pay all Student Loans if Warren is elected will apply to these educated gentlemen as well. Mississippi State must turn out some real scholars.

You won’t get an argument from me on that one. Certain public events draw this kind of behavior. Others something different.

I may not agree with how any of those behaviors to be perfectly honest, but we have an actual rule for these forums about painting big pictures with our comments. And this post itself while not explicitly, really does that.

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Nazis with slide rules.

Now I see why Trump said he loved stupid people.

These are not the fringe outliers at his rallies.

OMG you’re right… we should write some letters.

There’s no doubt they hate you just as much. They would be delighted to nuke you from orbit.

The title of the article describes these people as “some of NASCAR’s most ridiculous, drunk, and sophomoric fans,” not as “typical NASCAR fans.”


That channel’s “Donald Trump Jr. Book Club” takes place at Books-A-Million in Brookwood Mall in Birmingham, AL. At various times in college I worked in Brookwood (at Brookstone) and at BAM (though in Eastwood Mall, not Brookwood). Everything in that video tracks. This guy is on to something.


Fair point; however, I think the intention is clear.

Again I am not defending the worst people at NASCAR or to be honest the worst of any particular “crowd”. Merely pointing out my eye rolling reaction to another “oh look let’s make fun of the shittiest example of [insert group name here]”

Yeah I realize I sounded like an asshole.

Not everyone I work with is like that. Just most of them.

To be fair the people in that video were true extremes.

Most people I work with seem to like me until they find out I’m very liberal hate Trump and didn’t grow up a country boy. I can get along with a lot of it though because I’m a mix. I grew up a deer hunter and going to camp in rural Pennsylvania but I grew up in Suburbia and went to college and lived around the world.

I still like shooting guns even though I want some form of gun control. I like going fast on a motorcycle but not watching people go fast in cars in a circle. I drink whiskey like water, not beer.

I just work with a lot of religious conservatives that haven’t gotten secondary education, havent seen the world past their rural PA county, and watch a lot of Fox news and can’t think critically for themselves at a high level. When I present any different than that, or show any worldliness, or deep thought about how physics and Fourier transforms relate to machining, or anything that hints away from that video- only engineers seem to get along with me.

So yeah- I get it. But I never planned to work with people my polar opposite on a daily basis because I wanted to man.

I just like to think. And I’ve learned people who think a lot don’t make many friends in machining. But they do become highly paid critical employees that actually make the stuff work in the shop for everyone else.


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