Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/04/01/iran-or-its-proxies-are-plan.html
Isn’t this the sort of thing that isn’t supposed to leave the situation room? President loose lips is going to blow our intelligence assets in the region.
WTF does “upon information and belief” even fucking mean?
That ignorant piece of shit.
He has about the same amount of creditability as The Daily Mail or The Weekly World News, but with none of Bat Boy’s charm.
Not even that of Dotti nor Ed Anger, and that’s saying a lot.
It means it came to him in a COVID-induced fever dream.
It means no information and just his belief.
Maybe he’s looking for a justification for tightening the sanctions, against their pleas for a break, while they are suffering from Covid like few other countries?
I hate I have a president that makes me question whether or not Iran is the bad guy…
This must be his way of pulling a funny one on April Fools Day. What a hilarious sense of humor he has. President (
Who does Israel want us to attack this time.
Granted, anyone smarter than an oyster understands that Traitor Trump has no credibility. However, corporate media insists on behaving as though the Traitor In Chief is just one more president. They continue to attend his press conferences, report everything he says with minimal fact-checking, and carry on serious on-air discussions about his policies, intentions, and plans.
Donald J. Trump is running on the ragged automatic pilot remains of his days as a struggling real estate con-man from 30 years ago. He has always been a sociopath (and by implication a narcissist), but he no longer has the intellect, creativity, or energy to mitigate this fundamental problem. He operates on infantile self-indulgence, interested only in short-term gratification and capable of only acting out in the most adolescent ways.
In place of policies he has prejudices. In place of intentions he has a demand for one-way love, loyalty, and acclaim by others. In place of plans he has nothing, which converts the U.S. presidency into a power vacuum where his aides fight to promote their own naked goals as the will of the president.
We don’t have a president: we have a very tired, sick, stupid, self-entitled, elderly man who sits around in his soiled underwear all day, eating fast food and watching television. Once a day his handlers pump him full of stimulants, cover him in clumsy make-up, and flatter him until he waddles out in front of a camera to mumble the first nonsense that pops into his head.
“…but this intel is TOP SECRET so DON’T TELL ANYBODY.”
Reposted by popular demand.
He’s really leaning into this “wartime president” thing.
Here’s a terrifying read. Thank goodness it’s wildly over ⊥rump’s reading level and far too long for his attention span.
tl:dr; more military combat deaths per capita has a positive correlation with a president being considered “great.”
It’s mostly the military and the Shaw. Iran could be a shining beacon in the middle east were it not for overbearing influence of religious hardliners.
Surely you mean the Ayatollahs? The Shah was deposed in 1979 and was a hardliner against religious groups…
Best. Emoji. Chain. Ever.
Look at him, planning a concurrent war before he’s finished “defeating” COVID-19 in the Great Pandemic War of 2020.
Ballsy move for the man with the tiny hands that seem ill suited for juggling.
“Iran will pay a heavy price, indeed!”
Tell me, gentleman with the orange face, how good is your record at getting other countries to pay for anything?
Once again, it’ll be the people of the US who end up paying.