'Iran or its proxies are planning a sneak attack on U.S,' tweets Trump

Fucker can’t even skive properly.


What it means is Trump is still among the most astonishingly incompetent liars in human history, and more astonishing still, about a quarter of humans are so stupid they can’t tell. Not to put too fine a point on it, “and belief” means he has no information and just pulled the whole thing out of his prodigious ass in a feeble attempt to distract people from his inability to manage a crisis. This is obvious because no one would say “and belief” if they had solid intelligence. There’d be no need.


He didn’t tweet that. It contains big boy words, actual sentences, no Random CAPS, and no third grade insults. “Proxies?” “Assets?” “Indeed?” Please. Who has his phone?


So the president can’t take responsibility for his actions and his words?

That doesn’t sound like leadership now does it?

Sounds like a decrepit old man with dementia pissing himself.

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Iran is digging plague pits and filling them. They have other things to think about. The demented tangerine, on the other hand, is all about re-election. If he thinks that some extra deaths will help him, he will attack the US and blame Iran. Remember that.


It’s likely not at all real. It’s a distraction. Bannon’s mantra ref media: “Flood the field with shit”. Boris Johnson calls it the “Dead Cat” technique.

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Iran’s proxies? You mean the CIA? They made Iran everything it is today. Look up Kermit Roosevelt in 1954. Iran was a democracy for a little while, until the CIA got their paws on it.


all this is just too much for him. to be completely fair this would be a tough go for any president right now, but we have to believe that there are those who would have had a tighter grip on the reins. he is probably sitting in the WH with tears and snot bubbles on his face, completely paralyzed… but then he has moments when he remembers his beloved twitter – the thing that gives him the good old feeling of presidential power. what a sad, sick joke.

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Everyone else dying doesn’t bother him.

He’s not crying. Why would he? Sociopaths can’t empathize. The worst he might feel is a bit of fear that he might get sick, but his knowledge of medicine is somewhat less than a medieval peasant’s so who knows.


crying because everyone is making him work so hard, the press is being mean to him, “his” economy is crashing, his properties are all closed, cuomo gets more attention, he is stuck in the WH with no rallies to attend, and he can’t play golf. not about the people – no, that thought never occurred to me.


Strong signs are that he’s playing golf in the near future.


The thing is, he’s probably right. But for that matter, the Pentagon is probably planning a sneak attack on Canada right now, just on the off-chance and in order to be prepared. Whether they’ll ever actually go through with it is a completely different matter.

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There’s definitely logic to what you’re saying, but I suspect Iran is too busy too even seriously plan right now.

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