IRAQ: Rocket strikes reported at US-Iraqi military base near Baghdad airport

Trump doesn’t even realize the need for diplomacy; he fundamentally doesn’t know what it’s for. He figures all problems can be solved by making a demand, or failing that, by sending some soldiers out to kill someone. But he doesn’t even understand how that works - he doesn’t realize the soldiers have to deploy from somewhere outside the US, that they need local intelligence, support and translation, that the person being killed is, at best, an impediment to a desired policy and now they need people to actually enact that policy…


So far so good;

I object to the implication that they should be removed from it. Definitely not for us to judge.


What about Barron Trump? He looks fit enough and will be draftable in another 4 years, 3 months.


And Boeing. Got to get that share price and cash flow back up!


There is no such implication, either intended or stated. There are plenty of regimes in the world that reasonable people can and do agree are terrible in any number of ways, without agreeing that they should be removed.

Please make no mistake about what I’m saying here: this person was an agent of despots who was doing bad things in the world, but this assassination is almost certainly a terrible idea that may have disastrous consequences for us and the region. Not unlike the calculus of recognizing that someone like, say, Saddam Hussein was an evil tyrant, but the war to remove him and effect regime change was not at all worth it.

I think this thread from Rep. Slotkin, who knows of whence she speaks, is pretty apt:


The current difference is that the CIA has their own standing army. Plausible deniability has been gone for almost 2 decades now.


I was trying to find more information on that American contractor who was killed, sparking the strike on Iranian militia, causing the embassy attack… Absolutely nothing, but I’m guessing that he wasn’t there to hang drywall and wire HVAC.


Look who retweeted D’Souza. This will absolutely be used as rhetoric in the coming year.




We’ve bitten out lip for decades actually. No longer. Your country is a clear and present danger to not just global security but civilization as we know it, an account of climate change denialism. If that’s tough to hear, too fucking bad. American citizens have more agency power to organize and act that those of us outside the U.S. So perhaps its time to get on with it. And the revolution won’t be on an internet blog.

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I’ve been outside the US since before Trump was elected.


Well, that and oil.


Please post when you do. Prior to this there were violent protest outside of the embassy and they landed Marines (IIRC) to bolster the security detail. I guess a good outline of the timeline is in order.

I still want to know what the top brass are saying, because from my understanding they mostly were NOT interested in sparking a war with Iran, but were interested in attacking their paramilitary outside of Iran.


Then get off of this one. :stuck_out_tongue:

You seem to be suffering under some strange delusion that everyone here is perfectly okay with everything going on and that we all voted for Trump in 2016 and we’re just getting everything we ever wanted. I can assure you that could not be further from the truth. However, the couple-hundred people who frequent this forum are not in positions of power sufficient to steer the great ship of state that is the United States and its myriad imperial aims. So I’m not sure what you’re hoping to accomplish by repeatedly attacking the people here with invective along the lines of “you all suck and you deserve to be yelled at because you haven’t done what I want you to do yet”.


Take your own advice how about it? In Canada I have a lot less ability to make change than Americans do. Let me spell it out for you. I have two kids whose very future and lives are jeopardized by the unrestrained reckless actions of YOUR government. Platitudes, moralizing, self-congratulation and tribal internet forum defensiveness won’t get the job done.

If you think most posters here are going to whitewash all the horrible shit Clinton and Obama did, you clearly don’t know your audience. While I would argue most of us long for the days when we didn’t have right wing fascists running the country, we aren’t blind to the fact that previous D’s in office did terrible things also.

I think this would be a great idea if for no other reason than this thread will auto-close in a few days.

Again, I think you clearly don’t understand your audience. We’re all Marxists here.

Funny how every time we intervene in the affairs of another country under some sort of weak-ass justification like we have for the past 50+ years that things almost always end up being far worse after we’re done with our meddling. (It’s also funny how R’s constantly try to walk the line of isolationism while maintaining numerous expensive and disliked empires abroad.)

You’re making numerous assumptions about a bunch of Internet strangers and it needs to stop. You’ve made your point, and it’s duly noted. Please move on to a new one. You don’t know anything about people here and what they do or don’t do – and can or can’t do in real life. For all the complaining you’re doing about some perceived lack of real-world action from the commentariat here, you’re also not contributing much of substance beyond shitting on a bunch of strangers.


Just in case that term is unfamiliar to some folks:

TLDR: when your country is the aggressor in an unjust war, you have an ethical duty to make sure that the aggressor loses.


Same thing.

The US interest in the Middle East is not about protecting American access to oil. They already have plenty available in Texas, Canada and South America; US energy supplies have never been under threat.

Instead, the US interest in the Middle East is about retaining the ability to attack other nations via energy starvation. Which is likely related to the enthusiasm of the US ruling class for climate denial; renewable energy threatens to nullify that power.


You are not a Bad Dog, I don’t care what the nasty man said.