Is Amazon's water-resisting plastic bag for your phone better than a plain ol' Ziploc?

You are almost correct, but I was thinking of the Moirae, Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos - the Greek equivalents. The Moirae are sisters, there are more than three Norns though there are three principal ones. The Three Sisters who determine human fates are a very common motif in European myth. I don’t know if Chekhov was thinking of them but I would be surprised if he was not.
All honour to Urðr, Verðandi and Skuld! (I don’t want any more accidents).


Thank you! I was trying to think of the Greek equivalent but kept getting hung up on the Kindly Ones who are of course (if I remember correctly) not generally bothered with subtlety (and also possibly number more than three).

The Norns came to mind first for obvious reasons.

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I’m surprised no one has suggested an extra large condom.

Seems like that would be a bit opaque and hard to use a phone through!

Obvious, L0ki? :innocent:

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ordered mine after seeing this: for $3, it was an easy thing to try. i spend a lot of summer time in various boats on various Michigan lakes and this would be great peace-of-mind if it worked.

unfortunately, i’ve been playing with it for 10 minutes now and the home button on my iPhone 7+ is 100% useless in this bag. curious how you got yours to work - you infer that it is less-than-reliable, but i find that the bag bricks the button completely…

I did nothing special. It works 90% of the time thru a Ziploc and far far less frequently in the Amazon Bag. Might be your plastic is slightly thicker than mine?

What is this magical device?!

I grabbed one of these before my last Caribbean cruise:

And used my phone for underwater pictures. The plastic worked just fine for manipulating the onscreen camera controls.

I will review the one I have. It works BUT you have to really work it. I think a ziploc bag works better, but not as quickly.

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