Is ICE the new SS?

No, but it’s more than bad enough purely on its own.

As a counterpoint, this thread:


Heck, I’m only 51 and I can remember high school having an open campus, going to a nearby diner on lunch break to play Pac Man and buy something there instead of in the cafeteria. School shooters were not even a topic, “I Don’t Like Mondays” didn’t have that connotation for us. Instead, the worry of the day back then was drunk drivers and raising the drinking age to 21 to battle the scourge or something like that.

I don’t think it was until Columbine that the incessant fear mongering kicked in, after chewing alcohol and video games and Dungeons and Dragons to death. School shootings were the new chew toy, but at the same time that the NRA had finished metastasising into the lobbying arm of firearms merchants.


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It was definitely Columbine. I was out of highschool by then but I have a younger sibling who was in the early rounds of active shooter drills at school. I thought it was insane. Like we’re terrorizing our children. I have to imagine those have something to do with the rise of school shootings - giving kids the idea from when they are five that this is how people deal with problems.

And yeah, I listened to “I Don’t Like Mondays” many times before knowing what it was about. It’s a lot harder to do that with it’s 2010 equivalent “Pumped Up Kicks”.


This dude is so close to getting it…



A Nazi’s Nazi, sort of like a gentleman’s gentleman? :neutral_face:

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