Is there anything positive to say about Trump's presidency?

freedom, the alternative facts edition.

actually, one good thing about this election is that the press seems to be doing some soul searching.

maybe it doesn’t matter too much if it’s only the left leaning side, but there does seem to be some deep thinking going on about:
how and when to call out lies, what should the relationship between the press corp and the whitehouse look like, how to call out fake news, and more.

it’s all a bit like lemons and lemonade, but who doesn’t want some tasty lemonade to sip while watching our democracy unravel.


Because the last few months have shown us very clearly that Trump doesn’t do anything altruistically. If he’s killing the TPP, he has an ulterior motive for doing so.


Honestly, I think he just took it on because he knew it would get traction among labor members. Or maybe he thought it would not work out well for his own businesses?

But I can’t blame you for suspicion. We can’t trust him at all.


I still think it’s a good move, just probably not for the reasons Trump does.


What about when Clinton was in favour of it? (and Obama?)


I made this topic not because I like trump but because I know what unrelenting anger will do. I’m scared out of my mind and frankly I’m a white guy average that can just blend in and avoid the worst of things. He’s well off enough via family he can survive.

Not everyone is so lucky.

But while I frankly fear things will become a lot worse I don’t want us to be blind. After all bush was a president that gave us the patriot act and war on terror but also did a lot of work for aids relief in Africa and wanted to get NASA up and running to do more.


I generally trust our ex-President’s judgement on foreign affairs like this, but also felt Sanders was a man of integrity; when he opposed it strongly enough to shift Clinton’s public opinion on it, I paid more attention to the TPP. But now that Trump feels it’s worth killing, I’m thinking Obama may have had the right idea in the first place.


Too soon!


I think it’s better to judge it for what it is (was) so far as that’s even knowable rather than who did or didn’t back it. In that sense it has some serious issues (in my admittedly limited understanding). Trump said he’d kill it and I assume it was a token act to try to reach out to some of the labor base in the midwest who heard it was bad and because in principle Trump seems hostile to international cooperation. His idea of deal-making is build on a zero-sum rentier real estate model that will be a horror to watch, but will be coercive rather than involve agreements that (even theoretically) promote mutual benefit, since he doesn’t see the world governments working that way.

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Yeah, he seems to view all “negotiation” as a zero-sum game, I don’t think he’s really into win-win ideas. Shame that most of the world is outside the US, so chances are that’s a losing way of doing things in the long run.

Still, he’ll probably be able to bully Theresa May into accepting a bad trade deal, since the UK were dumb enough to vote to make their voice substantially weaker in international trade deals.

The scary thought is that it might well work in the short term and get him reelected.


Ooh, and we have Mark Hamill reading tweets in the Joker voice, too. Have to wonder if he’ll do any more…


Also a positive thing: the New York Times putting footnoted factual information into a Trump article to back up conclusions about false statements. That’s something that really ought to catch on in other contexts. If it’s straight up wrong, just say it’s wrong, and then let people follow the footnote… don’t confuse things with the he said/she said in the meat of the article.


Oh, I agree, definitely. But with any huge initiative like this I have to wonder WHY its various backers or critics support or oppose it. I can look at it on its own merits, and while there’s parts of it that I very much support, I think it’s too weak on Asia, among other things. I can only guess that Trump doesn’t like the TPP because he’d rather threaten Asia with huge tariffs, and the TPP takes that weapon away.


There is that too. Trump’s proposals for Making America Great Again revolved in part around trade wars. The last thing he wants is anything reducing his capacity to enact tariffs, quotas, or other import restrictions.

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From a rational perspective, yeah. But Trump and many of his supporters aren’t rational (at least about politics). They can find someone to blame.


I think the final answer has been determined, and no, there is literally nothing positive any rational informed person could say about a Trump presidency.


Are you sure? He never did release a doctor’s report. Other than that one weird guy who only stated that he could assure us that Drumpf was not a rabies-carrying jackal.


Have no idea about what it will contain, but I imagine that he will be using the acronym OPP


He backed out of the TPP. That is significant enough for me to forgive one prior transgression.

Unfortunately, I can’t ask which one to forgive, since he’s also shut down the White House comment line.