Is Trump's oversized bandage a coverup?

I think his criticism of teleprompter use and then learning he owes his life to the teleprompter he always uses would be, as Alannis says, “ironic.”



I’ll get my coat.


… the teleprompter talk started in the first few minutes after the incident, when people didn’t even know what direction he’d been shot from

If somebody in the crowd had shot at him, and a teleprompter had deflected the bullet, then that would have been a good story

Is this part of a bigger theory with a second shooter and a grassy knoll :confused:


Go Away GIF


I had an avulsion of my ear from a grade school accident, required stitches in both cartilage and skin. Even with that, I don’t think I had a significant bandage.


Honestly the glass shard sounded feasible, as in the video there was blood, but not a lot of damage (though with the blood that would be hard to see).

It absolutely could be a very shallow graze from the bullet, that wouldn’t even require stitches and would scab over in time. Or maybe it did need a stitch or two.

I guess in the overall big picture, it doesn’t matter if it was the physical bullet or shrapnel from something else, it still was a wound from an assassination attempt. But in this post-fact conspiracy laden world, some transparency of what it was would be nice.

The giant bandage haphazardly stuck on looks like absurd performance theater to me. IMO, if it was a bigger wound, he would be showing it off to show what the “horrible left” did to him. If it was a literal scratch, you cover it with a bandage and let people imagine. (Has there been no other pics after the assassination and now?)

I guess a third option is that it did take a couple stitches and its purple from the graze, and his vanity won’t let him walk around with a gross looking ear.


Maybe the bandage is bigger than it needs to be, maybe it isn’t. Regardless of whether he got the top of his ear shot off or was just nicked, he was still hit by a bullet that would have killed him if his head had been an inch to the right. Conspiracy theories about just how badly he was injured are going to do nothing but continue to keep people focused on the (pretty much indisputable) fact that someone tried to assasinate him (for apparently nonpolitical reasons).

At this point, I think the best strategy is to try to focus the conversation away from him getting shot.


What can this menopausal girl not send, I wonder? :thinking:


Well, personally, I think the size of his bandage would otherwise be a nothingburger except for the rabid fans trying to emulate him and for the persecution complex he can continue to play up. I don’t think the discussion is going anyway soon. Anyone could still make better choices about how they want to discuss it.


The first photo I saw was of him with a normal band-aid sized band-aid (if that makes sense) albeit one with a starts and stripes pattern. It was only later and at the convention that it bloomed into the giant pad, for obvious propaganda and sympathy reasons.

But maybe that first image was fake.


The improvised bandage was necessary because although BandAids are now available in a wide range of “flesh” tones, they don’t make any in Blaze Orange.


with so many in the media ( and in the democratic party ) obsessing over biden’s health, it would be nice those same talking heads were as worried about ■■■■■ – is he fit enough for office? what if he had a concussion? what if there was some traumatic brain injury?

( granted, it’s unlikely we’d be able to tell the difference. )


Something else to consider, if he is like most other men of that age he’s most certainly on some sort of anti platelet medication.

I’m not even close to his age but if you even look at me funny I look like a car crash victim and most times I don’t even notice until I see a blood trail or my wife starts checking me for a serious injury.

We carry stacks of band aids and bleed stop powder. It’s a real a pain but it is what it is.

So even a small scratch would look like a major gash on him and I’m sure he would play it’s up.


I just assumed it was covering the freshly exposed access panel until they have time to graft on a new “skin”


Here’s a pic of my injury - slight gore alert!

It’s an awkward spot to get a bandage on, hence the larger one they used to cover the side of my head.


His entire life is about coverups.


I was going to post this exact same thing.

In the public photos available there is a lot of blood, but his ear looks mostly intact. If he’s suffered a significant wound, I could totally see him telling his doctor and the makeup team to slather it with antibiotic ointment so he could show it off to the convention goers.


This is performance art, given the apparent nature of the wound.
He certainly knows how to play to his cult.

Now, just wait for the inevitable ‘unfortunate incidents’ involving those in his cult that want a notch in their ear, just like his.

