Jared Kushner casually talks about canceling election, then tries to walk it back

This grown-up Damien clone is the scariest thing that has ever been in our government.

He had a 666 building for fuck’s sake. He’s best friends with a bone-saw murderer and probably gave that the greenlight.

He CANT GET SECURITY CLEARANCE yet he basically runs the entire government.

People are worried about the Russians (who he set up a secret backchannel with) but Jared Kushner is the real worry.

Who the hell is he, who does he really serve, and what sick kompromat does he have on Trump that Trump doesn’t question anything he does and allows him to completely run the show?


I believe the point is, if there is no election, there is nobody in the House to choose any Speaker. All of them end their term, with no election, nobody replaces any of them.

All of the “no election, all these different politicians terms end and are gone” talk depends on them all respecting the law and leaving. With the current state of the DOJ, does that actually happen? Do the “rule of law” politicians all leave, because they were not reelected, and the rest just stay anyway and ignore that they shouldn’t be holding office anymore. Along with, who still recognizes them as having any authority. That’s the real issue.

So much depends on people respecting and following both norms and the law. When that can just be ignored with no consequence, it’s anybody’s guess.

It’ll be fun to see the OMB head, appointed by someone who is no longer legally in office work out how to process all their pay checks to everyone no longer legally in office so they keep getting paid. If you’re no longer legally in office, does your staff still get paid? While a senator may have other income, most staffers will not.

The path from a cancelled, disputed election, or one where a significant number don’t respect it’s outcome to chaos is a quick trip.


Golly, you don’t think they’re desperate, do you?

It’s also really terrifying that nobody really has any clue about what happens or who is President if we don’t have an election. Which means Trump will do whatever he can to stay there, and we would be dependent on the supreme court to decide otherwise. And we know how well that worked with Bush vs. Gore.


Legally the White House has no power in the matter.

But Trump is pretty clueless about the constitution and limits of his own powers, so what’s important here is confirmation Trump is thinking about it, which we already suspected.


I don’t think the order of secession was intended to replace the process already in place.

When the Electoral College fails to deliver the President Elect in December, the (outgoing) House of Representatives immediately goes into session and elects the new President, voting by state.


You are assuming rule of law holds. I have seen precious little to suggest that these assholes have any plan to allow such to apply to them.


Then you’ll be in Endgame, and it won’t be a tidy snap that resolves it.


Chances that this can simply be delayed with no outcome prior to all their terms ending? Which is effectively the same result. No longer having a valid election outcome and no longer having any legal entity to handle the issue.

And, this is the rub. The current DOJ doesn’t seem to apply this to anyone in the executive branch.

Hence, the road to chaos. :frowning:


Just a touch of word choice criticism…

I prefer ‘Son-in-loser’ to ‘failson-in-law’.


originally i assumed re-opening was to fix the economy before the election ( even though it wouldn’t i assumed that was the bet )

now i can hear the conversation going something like: “if it works, great. if not who cares. shutdown and postpone the election. win win.”

if they try to fix their coronavirus response and fail, everybody hates them for it. worse, if they let the states keep closed, then people might be safe but the economy’s truly broken in fall, and everybody hates them for it. if they do nothing it was chi/bama’s fault, and their base still loves them.

so how do you get an illegitimate president out of office? asking for a friend


Not by the executive branch, that’s purely a power of Congress, and even they can’t change some of the dates that are fixed in stone.


The 2nd amendment is for liberals too.


This tells me that postponing or outright cancelling the election is an open topic of discussion in the White House. They are already trying to figure out how they can do it. This is extremely dangerous.


And this is why the clock is ticking for Pelosi to approve remote voting for the House.


I’m pretty sure terms are set by the constitution, the exact date they end on might not be.

But you’re not gonna get a constitutional amendment through, and there isn’t a clean way to push those terms too far into the new year. Whenever they expire, if there’s no election you’re back to a Democrat controlled congress picking.

And only congress can move or reschedule an election in the first place. The House doesn’t have an incentive for that. Even Senate republicans would have an easier time keeping their seats and keeping control just by letting the election move forward, rather than creating a terms ending problem they then have to break further laws to solve.

If it some how does happen, Democrats not only get to pick the president. But they get the power to immediately call a new election.

There just isn’t really a non-coup way for Trump to delay or cancel the election that doesn’t dead end with a democrat in the White House and an election happening.

Leaving what?

You’ll have one group conducting themselves under the rules, and most of the bureaucracy following suit.

Just “staying” would basically be a seperate group insisting that they are instead the ones in charge.

Essentially two governments with two presidents clashing over which one is real. Which is civil war/coup territory.

Anything else requires assuming that any and all opposition just goes along with Trump declaring himself president and democracy over.

There’s very little reason for anyone but Trump, most of the GOP, and maybe ICE to go along with that.

Trump’s gonna fantasize about this, and they’ll keep mentioning it. But it’s incredibly unlikely to happen because it’s a much bigger, riskier can of worms than anything he’s done before.

This is what happens if the election is still scheduled before the end of terms, but doesn’t deliver a result. Like no states assign electors. Or those electors refuse to vote.

If there’s an executive order or law passed delaying the election in total past the date where the presidential term ends. Then it goes to the order of succession.

The former pretty much requires convincing each individual state to neither vote, nor assign electors by other means. Including Democratic controlled states and states where control is split across branches.

Even though they all need to hold state and local elections anyway.


That sounds more like a dare (to him) than a firebreak.


Fun fact - if they cancel or postpone the election, it is hard coded that he stops being President on Jan 20th. It is in the Constitution - 20th Amendment. Good luck trying to legally or illegally circumvent that.

The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.


Hey Jared, maybe if in-person voting is too dangerous we could just do all mail-in voting like Oregon? That seems like a better solution than “Welp, Trump is emperor for life I guess. Nothing I can do about it. Just kinda happened that way.”


There’s an app for that