JD Vance doubles down on his blood libel against Haitians

Don Jr having a hissy fit about geese being hurt.

This guy:
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So the one time he actually listened to something Vance said this is what he focused on.


Thanks JD.


The key distinction is that he wasn’t listening to Vance. He was listening to the TV while Vance happened to be on it.


Yeah, I have to tread pretty carefully when I talk about rabbits. I sort of forgot people keep them as pets. And the topic came up when I was talking at a party about building a rabbit hutch behind my house since my wife and I “really like rabbits”.


Technicality “gotchas” always make me like

Tired Britney Spears GIF


Interesting how the insanely dominant conservative party that is always complaining about deranged cat ladies running everything suddenly has committed to a delusional meme campaign featuring cats in order to fuel mass hysteria and blood libel.

MAGAts don’t understand cat energy. You don’t choose the cat, the cat chooses… and I can’t imagine a single cat in this world willingly curling up for an hour in Donald Trump’s lap.

These people know that you can’t save something you actually HATE, but they think we don’t know I guess.


Springfield hospitals lock down due to bomb threats



“I’m not a racist,” she said through heavy emotion, adding that her daughter is half Black and she herself is mixed race and a member of the LGBTQ community. “Everybody seems to be turning it into that, and that was not my intent.”

“I didn’t realise that my racism would endanger myself and my family,” she said through heavy emotion as a leopard nibbled at her face. “I was incredibly stupid, and that was not my intent.”


What is the purpose of the threats to schools and hospitals?

Seems it’s not immigrants we have to be afraid of.


Essentially to cause chaos and make some people more accepting of this kind of authoritarian thinking… threats of violence and actual violence until the rest of us give in to them, and let them take charge and make everything “safe”… But of course, what happens is the need to keep things unstable in order to retain power keeps on going even after the fascists take power. That’s pretty much what happened in most fascist states. The need to constantly find the next target helped cement violence as the primary means of social control. It eventually comes for everyone within a fascist society.


Hospitals and schools?

It’s probably Trump’s lies about kids going to school and coming home having had gender confirmation surgery.


Now TFG is saying he’s going to deport all those imaginary pet-eating Haitian immigrants in Springfield… to Venezuela.

I know the words “we are truly living in the dumbest timeline“ get thrown around a lot but holy living fuck is this the dumbest timeline.


The racist dotard (thanks, Little Rocket Man) is mixing up his racist lies.

It was not immediately clear why Trump mentioned Venezuela. Throughout his remarks he made references to an influx of Venezuelan migrants to Aurora, Colorado, and said deportations would also begin there if he won the presidential election in November.

I’m looking forward to the avalanche of op-eds about Trump’s cognitive decline. /s


Not a racist? This is what she posted (Apologies and a coke if someone already posted this)

Notice the line at the end? “Please keep a close eye on these animals.” She wasn’t referring to people’s pets.

Erika Lee is racist. No one who isn’t racist would have written something like that. I feel bad for her school age daughter, who is half Black. It must be awful to have a racist parent when you are mixed race. I hope the kid has some decent loving adults in her life.

This part, from the other racist lady who told the story to the racist lady who posted it, is very telling too

“I think it was two years ago now, I went to the [Bureau of Motor Vehicles] to renew my license or my tags. I can’t remember, but I was sitting in the BMV, and the only way I know to describe it is I felt like … I was transported, because all around me it was people talking a different language. … I felt like I was the minority,” she said.

Fuck off you stupid racist people. I really hope your casual racism doesn’t get some one killed.

Marc Maron Rage GIF by IFC


Lee, who described herself to NewsGuard as a Democrat who supports Donald Trump



“supports tRump”. “not a racist”. one of these is a lie.


In other words a Republican.


“I’m not a racist, I just happened to think that the people I was making up a story about ought to be referred to by their race as the only important detail about them.” :roll_eyes: