JD Vance is "dragging Trump down" with lowest popularity rating ever (video)

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MSNBC’s John Heilemann gives alarming reason why Trump chose J.D. Vance as running mate

Donald Trump’s calculus for choosing J.D. Vance as his running mate might already be outdated, according to MSNBC’s John Heilemann.

The former president has been banking on a rematch with President Joe Biden, who dropped his own re-election campaign Sunday over widespread concerns about his age. And the political analyst told “Morning Joe” that Trump might already regret doubling down on MAGA extremism as Vice President Kamala Harris emerges as the likely Democratic nominee.

“Your core conviction is this race is going to be close,” Heilemann said. "Donald Trump and his team’s core conviction is it is not going to be close. They came into the convention, and for a long time, Donald Trump was thinking a much safer caretaker kind of pick [for running mate]. That’s why Doug Burgum was in the race, Marco Rubio, people who were very safe.

"By the time they got – he made his decision at the last minute, from all the reporting we can tell, started to shift toward the notion of a legacy pick in the last month or so before the Republican convention, but he finally made his decision after the assassination attempt. By that time, within the Trump campaign, there is a view they’re headed for a landslide. They thought that before the debate, they thought Donald Trump was on his way to winning 320 electoral votes. This is what they told Tim Alberta before the debate.

“After the debate and assassination attempt, I sat in a room with Tony Fabrizio in Milwaukee, the Trump pollster. He said [they] stopped counting the paths we have to 270 electoral votes when [they] got to 25. They are thinking, convinced they’ll win 330 electoral votes, a landslide.”

“I’m not saying that’s correct, but if you believe that, you don’t care about — you’re making your vice-presidential pick not on the basis of a close race but on the basis of we’re about to change American politics,” Heilemann added.

“I’m going to put someone who I think will be the heir to MAGA. That is what the calculation was, I think, and, yes, it was the total doubling down pick, not a pick for a close race.”


Yes, they think they are the “working class party” now, but what they mean by that is white men with money who like to drive stupidly large trucks and they see him as representing that, just because of where he was born…


Some one this worried about other people having kids to use it as insult is probably a horrible father to his own. It’s just how it seem to work out.


He pretty much admitted that exact thing in his book:


Yeah, I admit there’s not a lot of evidence for that so far (I think Trump did manage to alienate a few people with his weird covid shit), but arbitrarily deciding at the last minute to drop his VP would show a pretty basic dysfunction in his presidency. Sure, his core supporters will all rationalize it away, but a few people on the periphery will start to question Trump’s competency if he can’t even keep a VP that he chose and talked up.


Why will Pence change their mind?

Not a typo. The description fits either equally well, so if Pence wasn’t a problem, Vance getting shitcanned isn’t either.


It’s been done. Googling “Thomas Eagleton,” is an exercise left to the reader.


So Sleepy Joe deked out Ol’ Don, eh? Nice move, Mr Biden.

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Possibly, and for the most part given Trump’s shit-gig time on The Apprentice firing people, with that somehow gaining him strongman/big-loud-face creds in the minds of his admirers in 2016.


Politically, not legally. It would make T**** look weak and worse, indecisive. He gets a lot of credit from people who don’t understand leadership for that total confidence he has while making bad decisions.

Plus, if you look at it like a game of chess, no checkers, no tic tac toe, Harris had advantage in that, if he changes his VP, she can use her pick to counter.


Vance seems the type who would become vindictive and try to tear down Drumpf if he were to be shitcanned.

I so want that to see that happen.


Thomas Eagleton?


Bill Hader Popcorn GIF by Saturday Night Live


Oops. Corrected.


If the Trump campaign sensed that (while taking a shit over just the thought) they would probably offer Vance some other position or just offer to pay him off. The guy is the worst kind of opportunist and would probably haggle over the payoff.


I can see that. I guess it depends on how badly Vance wants to be president. Getting dumped by Drumpf is probably the kiss of death for those ambitions, at least until the MAGA cult wanes.


Does he have politics that appeal to anyone but MAGA though? If the cult wanes, it seems his chances do as well.


I like how the professor from Notre Dame says:

“but it effectively puts women and men alike into a far more encompassing bondage,” because work outside the home is submission to the forces of market capitalism.

Yet he fails to mention that it’s only by necessity that both adult members of the household have to submit to the forces of market capitalism in order to afford a place to live and food to eat.



Damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t.

Democratic Debate Im Okay With That GIF by GIPHY News


That’s some classic tortoise and hare $#!* right there.