JD Vance is "dragging Trump down" with lowest popularity rating ever (video)

… she’s eligible to become Vice President :thinking:


I agree the Vance pick had nothing to do with electability, but the Orange Butthole does not suffer “heirs.” Not even Jr. and Eric.

I assumed from the get-go he was just looking for a tool who would gladly do what Pence wouldn’t.


the thing is, ■■■■■ always believes that. he really sincerely believes he’s a winner, and everyone else is a loser. he doesn’t ever fail, he’s always betrayed by people who fail him. reality contorts around him to satisfy those conditions

moreover, nobody is ever going to decide for him who can or can’t be his vp. certainly not a poll, or - god forbid - a plan. his decisions are always based on transactions.

people asking why fundamentally misunderstand him. the question should be what did he get in return

with vance it’s probably a lot of private money, and the ability to shaft the remaining establishment picks. ■■■■■’s brain doesn’t go any deeper than those sorts of things


“Frankly, I don’t really understand the prick,”



Look I very much hope so, but I wouldn’t rely on it. Certainly don’t expect the NYT and all of them to start asking question about things like basic competency, ability, sanity, cognition, temperament, honesty, reliability, or any of the multiple traits he displays daily which show his utter unfitness to, I don’t know, watch a library desk while there’s a lunch break on, or mind a corner shop for an afternoon, or take calls at reception for half an hour because we’re stuck, let alone be a head of state.

I grew up wondering how the ridiculous little men (not height, but they were little little men) like Hitler and Mussolini could be fantasised as strong men, manly virile men, and intellectually vibrant men, when they were so blatantly nonentities. Seriously, if you were a right wing intellectual in Europe in the 20s-30s you were fawningly admiring of Mussolini. I didn’t really expect to live through a demonstration of how it works. If I may borrow the stupid phrase of the idiotic racist right: I have seen the mind virus of fascism in action now. I’ve seen it raging in the white run countries that escaped it last time by historical chance and that imagined themselves special because of that


He could fall out a window on advice from the campaign’s Lubyanka consultants. /s


Needs an update for JD:


They aren’t trying very hard. The fat dowery of Peter Thiel money that came attached to Vance ought to explain pretty sufficiently. It doesn’t have to be that deep.


Also, he refuses to delegate and makes the decisions himself. This makes him indispensable. He hates the sense that he is being “led,” which makes him reflexively contrary to any expert advice. If he manages to get by while ignoring said experts, he feels that it is because of his genius. It’s quite possible that one of the reasons that he chose Vance (nee Bowman) is that people advised against the choice.


Our daughter keeps sending me t-shirts to nake.


In this case I think Trump’s cabinet picks are more relevant - Trump badmouthed them, often without obvious reason, to the point where it raised questions about Trump’s own judgement. (I.e. if they were so obviously terrible, why did he ever pick them in first place? He claimed he only hired the best people…) With Pence, there was a very obvious “betrayal” on his part that justified the reversal of attitude towards him. If Vance gets dumped - simply because Trump is second-guessing his decision, immediately after having made it - that’s a somewhat different kettle of fish. It’s the same problem he had with his cabinet, but writ large.

For the faithful, who had bought into his brand of fascism, nothing (well, perhaps a series of extremely out-of-character act on Trump’s part) will change their minds about him. But there are some people who say, “Yeah, Trump is terrible, a real clown, but you know, some of his policies were actually pretty good…” and some of those people are going to be turned off by level of chaos that indicates an obvious inability to enact his own agenda.


My thought too. Vance has been Thiel’s boy toy, and I bet Thiel nearly wets his pants over being able to break bread on the regular with The Donald. And it seems likely that the only reason Tromp suffers Thiel’s obsequious presence is because Thiel likes to think he can be a big influencer who can get even richer by going deep in the Aggrieved White Male Squad.


Vance had more things to say about kids in 2021.

Let’s give votes to all children in this country, but let’s give control over those votes to the parents of those children. When you go to the polls in this country as a parent, you should have more power — you should have more of an ability to speak your voice in our democratic republic — than people who don’t have kids. Let’s face the consequences and the reality: If you don’t have as much of an investment in the future of this country, maybe you shouldn’t get nearly the same voice.


I wouldn’t hire him. People who behave as he has get a warning, maybe two, then get asked to take a library vacation.


I hate to break it to Vance Couchhumper, but the Quiverfull movement isn’t producing enough kids to make an impact on elections as he would like.


Well, that’s why we got to ban abortions and force pregnant wimmins to get married, so their menfolks can control their votes!!! FREEEEDUMB!!! /S


I’m surprised that he didn’t advocate for property qualifications as well.

Unless he did.


I’m surprised he didn’t say “father” rather than “parent”.


But… wait… since only evil librul wimmin get abortions, doesn’t banning abortions mean they’ll get more votes? I’m seeing a flaw in this plan…

(Of course, I’m sure he’s in favor of repealing the 15th and 19th Amendment, and isn’t even pretending to be against Soviet style one-party rule. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:)


Dude’s gonna have a target on his back either way.
Lord Dampnut’s gonna have immunity if he wins, so the Pseudobilly better watch his step…