It’s so nice to have a press secretary who is smart and also NOT just some propagandist.
What else was he supposed to do while sitting on the shitter? READ?
Again, say what you want about Biden being old, being white, being male, being milquetoast, being too center-of-the-road to be anything other than a continuation of what has come before. But he hires the absolute best people for their roles. I’ve never seen a press secretary like this before except, yes… on television.
Biden’s staff gives me hope when I can’t find any in him.
I think it’s a spot-on turnabout for the Murdoch crowd, who love to bring up irrelevant bullshit about how women in office dress themselves.
New verb! Yay!
This. And yes, her obvious enjoyment of eviscerating Faux Gnus’ twits is great to watch, with that predatory, toothy grin =) .
Good point, though I just kinda took it as an attempt at a compliment which was also a subtle "I pay so much attention to everyone, including you, that I know what socks you’re wearing and that they’re different from what you usually wear. "
So the Fox/GQP complex is sticking with their funny definition of ‘winning’.
Every time Doocy goes out there and does his clownshoes shuffle, he’s convincing at least as many people to walk away from all the nonsense as he is placating the koolaid drinkers. It’s a ploy that consumes as it maintains, and soon there will be little left of either Fox or the GQP.
That look and smile say “behind this smile I’m thinking about what an idiot you are.”
owned him with style like a 7th grade math teacher.
The White House and Biden’s relationship with Doocy is similar to Jim’s relationship with Dwight on The Office. Repeatedly humiliating Doocy is good for morale at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and that’s the only reason why they keep him around.
Ms. Psaki is a national treasure. An icon for all our youth, and a few of us oldsters as well.
Her code name is Shredder. Jen “Oroku” Psaki takes no prisoners.
Just one main word - brilliant! She’s worthy of a better and greater position. So disarmingly venomous!
That was even better than suggesting a more primitive plant like liverwort or algae.
It’s the competence of CJ Cregg as delivered by Amy Brookheimer.
And she interrupted him a lot, which should really, really annoy him.
She’s actually in the greatest position she could have. When it comes to public communications, White House Press Secretary is the top of the pyramid - the job with the most visibility and the most impact.