Joe Biden apologizes for saying black voters choosing between him and Trump 'ain't black'

As noted above, I agree with everything except your last sentence (because his quirks aren’t charming to women and minorities and young people who do show up to vote). It’s why – in combination with a platform that won’t inspire new voters and the DNC’s usual ability to squander any advantages that fall into their laps – I think there’s a good chance we’re screwed in November. It’ll be more gaffes and out-of-touch statements and schoolyard taunts from Uncle Joe, and more veterans of Clinton’s 2016 campaign blowing opportunities once again.


Trump and Biden both look worse the more they talk

Whoever has more self-restraint will have that paltry advantage, if nothing else


Thanks for your infusion of ‘hopeless pessimism’; we were starting to run out!



How did that work during the 2016 Republican Presidential primary? Didn’t Trump suck up all the oxygen and let the other candidates asphyxiate?


This is worse:


I’m looking at a glass of milk gone totally bad, and a glass filled with milk about to curdle. Which one should I drink.


Baltimoresun excerpt: Subsequently, as before, Mr. B. reveals himself to be an abusive lout. But now poor Ms. A, despite her bruises and misery, is unable to separate from her man. After all, she ignored clear evidence of his character flaws. How can she admit that she was a fool? She has to stand by her man to protect her own self-esteem. How can she admit to herself, let alone her family, that she could not see the obvious?

Re November? She could vote for the other guy or not vote at all… and, in either case, just lie to her family about her vote.


I read some interviews after the Carolina primaries that black voters didn’t trust their white neighbors to vote for Bernie in the general election, so they were basically pulling the lever for Biden so we wouldn’t get stuck with Trump again. A weird variation on the “lesser of two evils” vote.


Ugh, the original comment is bad enough without all the holier-than-though crap coming from the right trying to imply that the Republicans are less racist than the Democrats.

This is a good illustration of how Trump’s “shock and awe” delivery style of offensive statements has inoculated him against the kind of criticism that would take down any other candidate. If it had been Trump making the “you ain’t black” gaffe instead of Biden then it would already be largely forgotten in a flood of additional, even-more-offensive statements and the opposition wouldn’t be able to settle on a single narrative to attack him with.


The GOP in my county would not only pressure people in the community (and encourage/threaten them to get all voters in their households to support them), but also checked up on voting history after the elections. People could lie, however there would be consequences if the numbers didn’t add up. This is how they held onto power since before the Civil War:


As before:


There’s a maxim used by the military: Whoever can produce (throw) the most steel, will win the war.

On Biden, Trump, and African-Americans, I’d say that Biden and the Dems are better armed when responding (and they will) to whatever hay the GOP can make of Biden’s remark.

As long as the script includes: “I do support Medicare for All. I will support Medicare for All. I’m not going to be Joe Biden.”

And you’ll rest easy that the “rude orange Cheeto” isn’t in the White House anymore. Meanwhile, the rest of us will still suffer and go bankrupt and die no differently from before.

Getting Trump out of the White House is a first step, not the finish line.


You should pour both of them in a pan, heat until just at simmer, squeeze in an entire lemon into the hot milk, stir, pour in cheesecloth lined colander and make paneer. Squeeze the whey out, and be sure to eat the fresh cheese in 24 hours.

My DH does this with iffy milk or half-and-half.


ETA: DH says to stir only very gently, one round, as to not break the curds!


Exactly. Acknowledging the reality of the moment doesn’t mean it’s the last chapter in the book. If a President Biden continues on the same Third Way path, I’ll be doing my part in 2023 to make him a one-term President by supporting the primary bid of a more progressive candidate. But before that can happen we have to make sure that Biff doesn’t get a second term, and that means playing the crappy hand we’re stuck with.


Meanwhile Trump labeling female Democratic politicians skanks.

Ain’t gonna get no apology from Trump about that.

I asked my mother, a Trump supporter, how she could vote for a man that calls an accomplished woman a “skank” ? Her reply is that Trump has to do that because all politicians do it.

I had to cancel going to Memorial Day with my family. I can’t do it.


Except if you’re a politician in the Democratic party you’re going to have to talk about race. A lot. And if you’re white, you have to talk about it in exactly the right way, following rules that didn’t exist when Joe was growing up, rules which change constantly and don’t have any logic on their face, although do have a deeper logic, but no one is allowed to talk about the deeper logic, which is also one of the rules. Why is “blacks” ok, but “the blacks” is not ok? Why is “people of color” ok but not “colored person”? There are a million examples like this which someone who grew up when he grew up will never understand, plus he’s not doing well cognitively.

Stacey Abrams is the best on all this. Joe is not going to be the nominee. I’m not sure who they will replace him with, but someone, and Stacey should be the VP because she has openly embraced identify politics as the future of the Democratic Party and she knows how to work that dynamic.

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Though wary of your motivation in asking, I’ll provide an answer:

For the same reason saying Transgender is okay, but “transgendered” isn’t - we’re PEOPLE, not inanimate objects.

Grandpa Joe’s demographic is no excuse; he’s not mentally deficient* or incapable of growth & change.

*At least by comparison to the current occupant of the oval office.