John Oliver mocks Rudy Giuliani's freakshow performance as Trump's lawyer

I was very happy to see all the tweets that included:

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

We’re going to be mocking Rudy for a long time, I think.


" […]
This has led to some interesting consequences. For instance, when the Editors of the Guide were sued by the families of those who had died as a result of taking the entry on the planet Tralal literally (it said "Ravenous Bugblatter Beasts often make a very good meal for visiting tourists: instead of “Ravenous Bugblatter Beasts often make a very good meal of visiting tourists”), they claimed that the first version of the sentence was the more aesthetically pleasing, summoned a qualified poet to testify under oath that beauty was truth, truth beauty and hoped thereby to prove that the guilty party in this case was Life itself for failing to be either beautiful or true. The judges concurred, and in a moving speech held that Life itself was in contempt of court, and duly confiscated it from all those there present before going off to enjoy a pleasant evening’s ultragolf.”

Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy


If I had 2 billion+ I would hire a much better attorney. I am confident that Trump knows that Giuliani.

Sure Giuliani was probably a competent lawyer, but that was 25 years ago and his competency was mostly in the area of prosecuting organization crime and RICO. Now if Trump were a crime lord, then it would make sense, but he’s (theoretically) not. What Trump needs is a attorney who is strong in both civil defense cases and in Constitutional law.

I have a conspiracy theory that makes me think that Giuliani is put out here as a distraction. And there is some kind of master plan in trying to force a weak, early indictment against the office of the President in order to establish a case precedent that leaves actions during a second term wide open.

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If Trump had 2 billion+ he might have as well. But does he? Much like the number of licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop, the world may never know. We just know that his fortune is YUGE! The biggest! He’s said so…


Perjury isn’t perjury?

I mean if Trump has nothing to hide and is totally innocent of any wrongdoing, why should he be afraid of perjuring himself?

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Truth isn’t Truth =really= Truth is Lies

Too bad he didn’t say it exactly that way, but fuck it, close enough for government work.

Rudy has a prosecutor’s instincts for making everything sound as terrible, illegal, and convictable as possible. It’s fascinating to watch him bring those skills to the defense side of the table.


He likely has about $2.8B in total assets. I have no proof but I’m confident he inflates the value of much of his real estate, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he can’t finagle a price close to those fantasy values when he sells.

In the bank he probably has a significant amount of liquid cash, not all of it his and much of it zeroed out through debt. But spending money when you’re in massive debt doesn’t really stop you from hiring a top lawyer.

“…There’s a PhD thesis in there somewhere.”

Start with, “they make a desert and call it peace” and work forward. It’s going to be a very thick book.


I was thinking more along the lines of claiming incompetent representation at his trial for obstruction, and therefore he would need more time to present his defense.

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He’s expressing the logical quandary (what’s the name of this kind of “-ism”?): If Trump tells a truth, it is most likely not the truth.

So I think he’s speaking the truth.

“You can’t speak the truth!” more like…


Not being flippant, but which one?


Trump has shown his incompetence. This is no different. I think Giuliani is talking just to see what happens. If he comes off as an idiot, or lies, Trump disowns him like he has other ex-employees. If he says stuff that resonates, they will go with that. Giuliani probably has enough money that he doesn’t care if he gets paid.

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Just a comment on how after 9/11 the press dubbed him “America’s Mayor” - not that it implied any limitation on the title. Or any associated with Iggy Pop.


Yeah, Rudy will be fired, but not for cause.
Just think about how distracting and “exciting” and ratings driving it will be.

No actual plan is required for this shit.
It keeps working without anyone inside thinking about it very much.

I’m afraid Trump followers will never see and grasp any sense of reality the way the rest of us think of reality because Mr. Trump has them convinced that our reality is an “alternate reality”. And if there is any “genius” at work here, it is that he has managed to completely manipulate and brainwash these folks. It is truly amazing to watch, and if it wasn’t so pathetic and dangerous to our democracy, it would be humorous. And apparently, Rudy has ingested a large dose of the Kool-Aid. Notice how, when the news guy starts to call him out on his shit, he throws his hands up and say’s, “don’t do this to me!” So, it’s not his fault that “truth isn’t truth”, it’s us!

But what IS real?
Is this real?
Am…am I real?

If I were a much better attorney I certainly wouldn’t throw away my reputation working for the likes of Trump.