John Oliver reveals Alex Jones's woo-empire of overpriced, terror-fuelled quack remedies

Be careful what you ask for. That’s the last thing I’d wish for because it would only increase Alex Jones’ influence.

Showing people that the President is being bizarrely influenced by Weekly World News level tabloid nonsense will make more people believe in tabloid nonsense? Um, okay.

Um. What? What sort of damage did a President blocked by a Republican congress do that makes him a ‘dictator’? Feel free to explain.

I don’t think anybody’s feelings are being hurt by Mr Jones. We’re laughing at him because he’s utterly ridiculous. Did… you think his screaming about gay frogs and Pizzagate actually made us feel bad?


If you are for real, it is best to not censor you as the baseless dictator jab at Obama and the obvious Trump worship puts your lack of intellect on display.


Do you really doubt that? I sure don’t.

No, I do not believe that most Americans will suddenly start believing that there’s a sex colony on Mars if they’re told that a deeply unpopular President elected by a minority of voters likes to listen to a tabloid radio show. If anything, it diminishes both Alex Jones’ credibility and that of the world leaders that apparently take him seriously.


Welcome, new poster! It appears that you skipped reading the intro and skipped watching the video!

Also, that’s some very interesting theories you have about the previous President. I’m sure this blizzard of snowflakes over here would simply love to be enlightened. Do share!


I wish I had the same rosy outlook that you do. I recently listened to an episode of RadioLab where they talked about Adboe’s experimental voice editor ( and it makes me think that the Alex Joneses of the world are going to get a lot more dangerous.

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If your belief is that large numbers of Americans will be converted to believe that there’s sex colonies on Mars due to a tacit endorsement by the President and an experimental voice synthesizer application, then you’re into a conspiracy-theory road that, you’re right, my “rosy outlook” has no interest in. Thank you!


It seems the lines have already been drawn: on one side, people who believe that Alex Jones and his ilk are batshit crazy, except when it comes to increasing their bottom line at the expense of others; people who believe that Alex Jones and his ilk are doing an invaluable public service and support them 100%; and a big chunk in the middle who don’t seem to be moving one way or another. None of those categories seem to be wavering much.


If your belief is that large numbers of Americans will be converted

Yes, I think they will. Alex Jones may be over the top, but he’s only expanding the Overton Window so that the next slightly less wacky news source can come along and disrupt everything.

Plus, it doesn’t take large numbers of Americans, just lots of Americans that vote in the properly gerrymandered districts.


Meethinks just trolling for effect.

Either that or someone mistook this board for Reddit or a Breitbart discussion board.

So on that note. I figure its a far better use of my time to post amusing cat memes than to respond to that post


I am of the opinion that Trump supporters suffer a specific form of brain injury:



That’s not what this is.
This is ready-made ammunition that can be quoted to any Alex Jones fans who might be in your family.


Remember when the White House astrology/fortune teller in the Reagan years was the absolute lowest point?


“Jones has become a kind of Rasputin figure, whispering conspiracy theories and mystical nonsense in the imperial leader’s ear.”

Well, invite him to swing by for tea and cake, and maybe a little road trip afterwards?


I would hope that people who buy $20 vitamin D from Jones will at least be a little pissed that you can buy the same amount of vitamin D for $4, whether they will see through the “our vitamins are better” BS or not I don’t know. The human psyche has a way of making all kinds of excuses for its illogical actions.

I guess the bottom line is that the hardcore Jones audience is a lost cause-- Oliver isn’t talking to them anyway, and while he may be preaching to the converted, he’s also preaching to anyone who isn’t under Jones’s sway yet.

I have friends who fell for Infowars nonsense about chem-trails and 9/11 fifteen years ago, they eventually came away from that, but it would have happened a lot sooner if someone had been providing a scathing counterpoint like Oliver is.


That was the point of Oliver’s segment, though. The overall message was “Jones isn’t just a ranting nutter; he’s actually a con artist who is making a fortune off his gullible viewers”.

The Alex Jones organisation is basically Goop for fascists.


Omg, that’s hilarious! :joy:


reveals Alex Jones’s woo-empire of overpriced, terror-fuelled quack remedies

Not a great revelation, alas.