John Oliver reveals Alex Jones's woo-empire of overpriced, terror-fuelled quack remedies

To be fair, it’s hard to make money or even break even selling quack remedies that aren’t overpriced…

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Apropos of nothing…

Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time


I think we’re past Peak Wellness. The new meaningness virtue-signifier for Alt-Med scammers is Thrive.


Yeah, while Alex Jones likes to rip his shirt off a lot, very few of his supplements deal with “wellness”, i.e., staying healthy and sickness-free. They seem to fall mostly in three categories: workout enhancers, energy/youthfulness/sex enhancers, and stress reducers. If you’re desperate enough to rely on Alex Jones or Gwyneth Paltrow to recommend supplements, it’s a good bet that you’re stress-ridden, terrified of aging, worried about your sex life, and spend a chunk of your time at the gym trying to improve all of those things by working out.


Yes, even bad publicity is publicity.

But that doesn’t mean it’s good publicity.

I’d say for most of Mr Jones’ fans, being trashed by John Oliver only makes Alex Jones’ crazy apocalypse liberals-are-evil talk more believable.

Probably. There’s often no value in trying to reason with the unreasonable (though those that can be reached, will be).

But meanwhile I now have new ammunition.

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