Jon Stewart's epic Twitter-war with Donald Trump

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It was obvious to me that he was either going to leave the show or have a stroke/heart attack: he started dropping “fuck” uncontrollably into a significant number of sentences, clearly exasperated and overwhelmed, at the end of his rope with regard to how extreme reality was getting. I’m glad he left the show rather that the alternative. I was actively worried, because it was so evident that it was getting to him.


John Oliver had a mea culpa on that yesterday…


Yeah, he was ready to go. He probably would have collapsed or spontaneously combusted had he kept going for another year-and-a-half, with all the bullshit going on.

Although it’s not him, nor Jon Stewart, but the serious members of the media who need to give an apology - for ignoring Trump, for spending more time talking about the stupid emails than all other election issues put together… They gave Trump a free ride up until the very end, where the latest, barest bit of scrutiny felt like the press were “against him” by comparison.


Assuming CNN fits that description…

Talking up this election was all about making more money.


After hiring someone still on Trump’s payroll… no.


Understood. I was just spelunking for the original material.

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