Jon Stewart's return to the Daily Show (video)

Ha. Good one!

(Even though some others will miss the invisible /s tag.)


I’m only half sarcastic. I don’t think Jon Stewart should be hosting, but it has nothing to do with his age.


As Jon said: “What the f&#$ are we doing?”

So because Trump is a facist, then any issue with Biden must not be discussed? Even during the primary?!

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any issue with Biden

Psst-- there is another thread where that kind of talk gets somewhat more tolerated on this here rodeo emporium:


How much time did Stewart spend discussing that Trump is a fascist? How much time did he spend on Biden’s age?

Stewart tried to console viewers that no matter who wins in November, the country will go on. The simple fact that he is apparently too privileged to perceive is that for many people, the country will not go on. Trump and his allies want to eliminate members of the LGBTQ community. They want to force women to give birth even if it costs them their lives. They want to execute immigrants on sight. Telling viewers that everything will still be ok is not only misguided, it’s dangerous. Fuck Jon Stewart.



Which is the point Stewart was making. He very specifically contrasted Biden’s occasional memory lapses with trump’s completely unhinged non sequiturs and amoral character and admonished the Biden campaign to do more to demonstrate his capacities, which he utterly failed to do in the presser after the idiotic special counsel hit piece report. I thought he laid out very clearly what the issue is and what the DNC needs to do to get ahead of it, while also showing the marked contrast in the two candidates’ capacities and qualities. I really do hate the idea that we have to just bury our heads and pretend that what we see isn’t real. It may work for that 30% of democrats that will vote party line every time, but it’s sure as hell not going to work for centrists and independents. They need to sharpen their knives now and stop demanding everyone cover their eyes, ears and mouth and hope for the best.

Also, I absolutely reject the idea that one person, no matter how influential they are, is going to be the final grain of sand that makes it all fall apart. We need people like Stewart saying the uncomfortable things that people are thinking on the off chance that I am wrong and it will make a difference in strategy. Hoping for the best is an incredibly dangerous non-plan.


Did anybody say or even suggest this?
I don’t think anybody said or even suggested this.

But if you’ve got a moment, I would love to discuss whether the Titanic wouldn’t have sunk if only the crew had arranged the deckchairs just so.


Yeah, no one said that, but ignoring the FUCKING FASCIST part is going to get people killed. Some things DO matter more, actually.

Jada Pinkett Smith Periodt GIF by Red Table Talk

Or Trumps age for that matter?


i welcome Stewart’s return, because he was often a sane voice in what was then a crazy time. but also, i’m not as concerned about Biden’s mental capacity because (1) he’s been doing the job (and doing it well) so far, and (2) the cabinet and people around him are all super competent and skilled as well. It’s either Biden and team, or the end of democracy in America. everything else is distraction.


Biden’s age is fact, and it’s not an issue. Certainly not an issue in the context of the rest of his health.

Start here: Biden-Harris HQ (@bidenharrishq) on Threads

General media reporting trying to be “balanced” as if that was a thing, and to “both sides” as if that creates balance, along with the political reporting reporting inertia to report everything as if it was an actual sports race is what you’re noticing.

When I watched the video, what I got was that Biden’s team needs to work harder at overcoming the media false balance to show that Biden’s age isn’t a problem and that Trump issues are many and deep. With lots of poking at other media for criticizing only Biden for things that Trump has shown significantly more of.


That was definitely disappointing.

I understand the perspective that institutions and the people that serve them have a huge impact on how things work and the day to day. Giving those people credit for the work they do is fair. However, the President sets the tone and direction they follow. It was particularly disappointing in this case because one candidate specifically wants to dismantle those institutions and destroy the work they do.

Suggesting it doesn’t matter who wins, dismisses the harm to the institutions that will come. Some of those harms came in Trump’s first term. Some institutions fell less behind than others. Given another chance though, they’ll destroy those institutions first this time. It absolutely matters who wins.


Maybe when MTV was relevant.

no, MTV was long over by then.


His value was in reminding us it truly IS a fair consideration, even if we dislike hearing that.

But, again, we know Biden and Trump are old. What value is added by Jon Stewart also saying it? Are we supposed to do something about it? If so, what?

He’s also A COMEDIAN, and it’s his job

One of my frustrations with Jon Stewart 1.0 was that this was his response every time someone from the “real” media critiqued him. He’s making an argument, even if it is couched in comedy, and then when someone challenges that argument, he says, Hey, I’m just a comedian—as though that absolves him of the need to defend his position when someone points out an inconsistency, especially where he’s offering political satire and not, as he once tried to equate himself, “puppets making prank phone calls.”


If Biden was 10 yrs younger there would probably be 0 age-related concerns/questions. Why didn’t the democrats pick someone else?

Is it because of the 2 term thing? :person_shrugging:t3:

Bingo. I mean, the 2020 election showed that there were 74,223,975 Americans from age 18 to 100 who have reduced mental capacity…


It’s because of the incumbent’s advantage.


There would be no age-related concerns, but there would be other concerns. There is no perfect candidate and Biden already beat Trump once. Choosing someone else would be a statement that Biden isn’t fit to be president anymore. He seems to be presidenting just fine to me. An occasional gaff of the kind that everyone makes from time-to-time, like saying Mexico when he was obviously talking about Egypt, or taking some time to collect his thoughts instead of running his mouth like an idiot, is not evidence that he isn’t fit to do the job.

I don’t know what Stewart’s deal is. I’m not sure if, knowing that hosts like Colbert and Meyers are more practiced at eviscerating Trump, he is trying to carve out a new spot in late night, or if he really is just further to the right than I thought. I’m bummed, though. I was looking forward to his return to TDS.

I had a moment of pause when I read in a previous BB thread about some of the terrible takes he’s had on things in the past few years. I had another moment with Dulce Sloan’s response to a question on Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me (at the 41:00 mark here). After yesterday’s TDS, I’m pretty well convinced that he’s not a good fit for the show anymore. Or maybe for comedy in general.