Judge Reinhold arrested at Dallas airport for refusing a second TSA screening

The TSA needs to keep playing the security theater game. They aren’t making anyone safer.


Slaves spend more time posting about the TV instead of rising up against this nonsense. Theater.
Good for him. I had 2 cops, 5 TSA agents and 2 suits come down last time I went through this shit.
Stripped down to my boxers (FYI this is as far as you can go without being arrested) still needed to pat me down. Pull up your pants so I can run my fingers around your waist band. Told them I’d take off all my clothes in the private room -
no dice. Still have to assault a disabled man. The sheep around me kept being sheep.


I also have medication that needs to be refrigerated. Watch as they throw away my ice packs and I have to build some makeshift ice container from the boarding gate starbucks. lies and theater.


Why the second screening? Why, because a TSA screener wanted to grope their fav actor. Duh.

No, this was about Judge Reinhold.


Holy crap I remembered that. You said it before I could.

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Back in the early 90’s, I spent a summer working in a retail store which did multiplayer 3D computer games, back before that was really a thing. “Virtual World Entertainment”. Big cockpit things with about a hundred functional controls in each; the sort of things that it’d take you quite a long time to fully master. Took itself and its rather intricate theme very seriously; we were each supposed to maintain character as a VGL scientist while working there. We sold history books about the alleged backstory of the Virtual Geographic League. I mean, we had them up on a shelf with price tags on. I can’t honestly claim to have ever witnessed one being sold, but you know what I mean.

Anyhow, the (massive) retail space was split pretty evenly in two; a slightly dilapidated victorian lounge in the front-of-store area (complete with a functioning bar), backed by an industrial-looking wall with emergency lights that would go off whenever a new group a guests were called to go on a mission. Behind that wall, the training areas, the “decontamination” sequence, and then an almost steampunk-ish back room, where all the tech happened and the games themselves were played. Pic:

I worked the register, manned the bar (for one disastrous evening), trained new players, ran the simulations, debriefed people afterwards, and… was kind of a junior mechanic for a little while, maintaining the aging hardware.

All of which is a really long way of getting to my point:

For me, Judge Reinhold will always be linked to the company’s new-player-training-films that he co-starred in, together with Joan Severance and a few other folks; I’d kick off one of these videos for a new group of players approximately once every eight minutes, eight to ten hours per day, virtually every day. Often it would be some particular bit of its audio that would notify me that it was time to switch from one job to another, as I shepherded three different groups through different stages of the process simultaneously. I could recite the lines from this thing in my sleep.

That one was for the “Battletech” game. The one below was the one for “Red Planet”, which was a hovercraft racing game set on Mars. And which contains a frankly startling number of celebrity cameos.

Hope this doesn’t count as derailing the topic. But for me, Judge Reinhold is inextricably linked to that time in my life. And this is always where my brain goes whenever he hits the news for any reason.

(Eventually VWE came out with new hardware and new versions of the games which used (gasp) texture mapping, in the fancy 4.0 Tesla-series cockpits. I understand that there are still a couple dozen of those floating around in various countries, often maintained by fans and not accessible to the public. But VWE itself seems to have mostly died, these days, and I’ve heard no word of what became of the ancient 2.5-3.0 cockpits that I worked with. Ah well.)


Why it had to be done again? The short answer: potential porn scanner false-negatives.

As opposed to discussion of Night Court?



This could be a blatant publicity stunt, on Reinhold’s part…deliberately provoking that much-loathed American bureaucracy, the TSA…

If Donald Trump can be President, how unlikely is it that Judge Reinhold and Judge Judy might both sit on the Supreme Court?


Trump will appoint her Judge Judy And Executioner.


I hear Trump already has another pick in mind for the first appointment.



I thought that the whole reason he was staying on as the executive producer of Celebrity Apprentice was to pick Scalia’s replacement.


There are many worse choices

i guess he was lucky, because belligerance is (yet?) a notch below terrorism.

Not if you’re white.

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and somewhat famous, yes.

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scare quotes are scary!

I’m gonna guess you’ve never landed here at the same time as a 747 full of Chinese tourists? It makes Newark look like paradise.

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