So… let me see if I have this right. They thought it was a trafficking case where captive girls were forced to have sex with men for money. They plant cameras and then film the girls being raped for three months. They then arrest the team owner on trafficking and prostitution charges. Now, the icing on the cake, they arrest the trafficking “victim”. Do I have it straight?
Is this an “over thur” thing? You seem to be so caught up in conservative mores that hardly anybody reacts when a “harlot” is named and shamed. There is absolutely no good reason to post her name and her pic on Boing Boing.
what is the antecedent to that pronoun?
There should have been something subsequent there…
That would be “mores over there” that would have been suitable for the paragraph. Did not mean YOU as an individual.
EDIT: Since I seem to have to spell it out, I am amazed that there are 40+ posts here, and nobody seems concerned that this is an actual person portrayed here, and the sole purpose seems to be communicate “hey people, take a look at this whore because reasons…”
From my POV, that is pretty weird.
my original comment was meant to be sardonic, heightening the irony by responding as if the question i was answering was intended as “why that picture?” instead of the “why the fuck did they post a picture of her at all?” clearly my irony seemed mostly to miss its target.
to be clear, i find it execrable that her picture was used by anyone–the news channel she quoted from, or the author of the post herself.
Gotcha. Thanks
Jupiter? Did she show him her big red ey…
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