Kamala picks Tim Walz for VP, and Trump struggles with spelling

She needs to wear it the entire time. They’ll be packed in like sardines, and it’s like Taylor Swift concerts: if someone is sick, that won’t stop them from coming to something this crucial.


The guy doesn’t know what the North Star is? Or that Somalia wouldn’t feature it on their flag?


Maybe he should consult someone who’s really into maps.


Apparently, Minnesota has a lot of Somalian immigrants (and others from Eastern Africa, like Ethiopians), for whatever reason. So it’s a specific racist talking point.


Back in undergrad I had a job cleaning up a database of political campaign ads. Which meant watching political campaign ads for hours at a time. Wellstone was one of the few people I could have ever imagined being excited to vote for. And he’d passed just two years earlier.


:thinking: Don’t people realize that that post, and recent ones like it, has “written by AI” stamped all over it??


Don’t forget hatred of using tax money for anyone else but them. If they aren’t school children or don’t need menstrual products, then the state providing them for free is Socialism!!! :rage:


Tell me you know nothing about the North Star State without saying it.

Minnesota boasts one of the most successful refugee acceptance programs anywhere. Somali immigrants have been very well accepted and have contributed incredibly to the culture and economy of the state. By all means, GOP, try to go for that. It will blow up in their face and undermine their entire anti-immigrant fearmongering blitz.


Now I can only think “Santa Walz”


Yeah, that would of course have nothing to do with being The North Star State, now would it? Gotta be Somalia. Fucking assholes…

@DukeTrout ,

coca cola soda GIF by G1ft3d



Late to the happy party here, but as a Minnesotan* just want to add that I really like Walz too. The Harris/Walz ticket is so exciting. I’ll be sorry when we lose him as our Governor, but happy to share him with the rest of the country and the world. And I’ll be happy to have our current Lt. Gov, Peggy Flanagan, become our Governor.

*okay, I’ve only lived in MN for 47 years (born and raised in Western New York), but after I had lived here for 20 years my coworkers officially told me that I could start calling myself a Minnesotan :slight_smile:


& @chgoliz, who beat me to it!


If anything the Texas flag has more in common with Somalia’s than the Minnesota flag does. You could literally just cut off the left side of the Texas flag to use as a Somali one in a pinch.



Walz served in the military for 24 years, enlisting in the Nebraska National Guard at 17 in 1981 and then transferring to the Minnesota National Guard in 1996. He retired in 2005 to begin his successful run for the U.S. House, representing Minnesota as command sergeant major, among the highest ranks for enlisted soldiers. His battalion went on to deploy to Iraq shortly after Walz’s retirement.

But during the 21 years that Walz spent working with large artillery pieces, he suffered hearing loss and tinnitus in both ears, Minnesota Public Radio reported. He was allowed to continue his service after undergoing surgery, which partially resolved his hearing loss.

Stars and Stripes reported in 2020 that Walz credited his Army experience with helping him steer Minnesota through the COVID-19 pandemic as governor.


There are folks in The Lone Star state who, by accident or design, were using the Chilean flag in their emoji-rich text messages.

So if we want to talk about brand confusion, or brand hijacking, or other regrettable behaviors being pushed by the “mInNeSOtA = sOmALiA!1!1!” crowd, perhaps we should also look for a stealth contingent of pro-Chile activists who may have invaded Texas. Maybe that’s what happened during Jade Helm.

ETA: grammar


Yep, Walz had a DUI in 1995, and then gave up drinking entirely. That looks like growth to me, not something to be criticized, but I’m a bleeding heart who believes redemption is possible when people put in the effort.

The rest seem like good things or bullshit.


they both probably picked it up at mar-a-lago. ( the food is just that good. )


I can’t be the only one who googled and got:

This song is good btw.

All of Trump’s nicknames are stupid and childish though, the ones where he’s basically just selling a panic attack to sad xenophobes in particular.


Yes, and possibly along with other reasons…

(source: Raw Story) “We released a camo hat because Tim Walz infamously often wears a camo hat,” a campaign representative said.

Experts agreed the hats were a reference to a broader cultural context than the 26-year-old Roan, whose 2023 debut album is called “The Rise and Fall of a Midwestern Princess.”

“The camo baseball cap is commonly worn by hunters, and many others,” said Christian Grose, a political science and public policy professor at the University of Southern California. “I used to live in Wisconsin a bit more than a decade ago, and such a cap was common back then.”

“My guess is Gen Z voters who shop at Menards in Wisconsin may be the strongest audience,” Grose added.


I expect there to be all sorts of outright fuckery & attempted fuckery from here on in… up to and including the SCOTUS.
I still remember the 2000 election abomination.