Kellyanne Conway: killing peaceful protesters will help Trump win

You neglected the rest of it, which is the significant bit: “the more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is [for Donald Trump].” She’s very much conflating them all into one phenomenon, implying that the violence is being perpetrated by protesters, when the opposite is true. So yeah, ‘killing protesters will help reelect Donald Trump’ is exactly what she’s saying.


It doesn’t make sense… until one considers Trump and his stooges painting peaceful protesters as the troublemakers; the effect (however limited) of conspiracy theories being pushed 24/7; purging of voter rolls; Russian interference; and emasculation of the USPS. With “enough” Biden votes peeled away (even in a Biden victory), Trump and backers will pull out the stops to delegitimize the election. And – with all that – even if finally out of office in spite of his efforts, the US will have to suffer through a shitstorm.


Agreed. The headline to me looks incorrect and wouldn’t help the cause at all.

She, and other trumpers are all idiots deserving the worst, and pretty sure they also enjoy seeing protesters being beaten and killed, but she did neither say not imply that because she clearly refers to violence from protesters only (in their heads those bastards don’t even think of police brutality as violence). Please keep headlines consistent; had this been written on any widely known newspaper, they would have received a call from Trump lawyers already.
We must keep in mind that this is a war in which they’re going to use everything to discredit their adversaries. Tell an innocuous message containing 99% of truth and 1% fantasy, and that 1% will be inflated and worked upon by their PR department to make as the message and, through well crafted association attacks, everything else you write, is 100% made of lies.

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The Economy and the Stock Market are two circles on a Venn Diagram that don’t intersect except by coincidence. During Il Douche’s reign of malfeasance they’ve spread farther and farther apart as 2021 approaches.


Seems like an appropriate thread for this again:


Of the (oddly many) future rock stars who happened to be at the Kent State massacre, maybe the only one who actually wrote a song about it was Joe Walsh. “Turn to Stone” was a reference to the feeling of time slowing down when one realizes one is being shot at.


Here’s what the right is up to on Twitter today:


The rise in violence AND pety crime is notable and measured in my very urban area. What’s to be done with the defunding of the police plus the rise in crime? Today they found a body in my neighborhood (according to the neighborhood blog, not the police or news channel) and my sister caught someone breaking into her car yesterday.

The police never were very much help, but now they are much less than helpful. When my sister called 911 it was busy. My question is - who is committing the violence and crime? Is it agitators? is it the gangs? It is gutsy criminals? All I know is it is getting dicey around here… change is afoot


That’s not a petty crime… that’s murder. If the police aren’t helping, then the problem isn’t petty crime. It’s the police.


that’s what i’m saying, literally yesterday it was my sister’s car with the busted window, literally today it’s body in the ditch. It’s alarming and confusing. We’ve always had the pety crime here. You don’t lock your doors , you leave something valuable visible in the back seat, it’s a target. Lately it has seemed more frequent. Then today with the big one. What’s going to happen tomorrow? And who is responsible?

Clearly this is Joe Biden’s fault


That’s what I came here to say. Trump’s America is filled with lawlessness, violence and chaos. Compare that with the Obama/Biden America. I would rather live there but of course I live in real time and do not practice magical thinking. You don’t get a do-over in real life.


lol clearly. I feel like this is a sign of the times.

The fact of the matter is - i have no faith in the effectiveness of police. THis isn’t the answer. It kind of goes to show the root cause of serious crime is not resolved by the presence of the threat of state sponsored violence. There is something else at play

More police and law and order BS won’t help. Not having a system of deep, racist, misogynistic inequality will.


If you sold all those pearls you are clutching, you’d be rich.

So you’ve identified that the police don’t prevent crime. What is the problem with defunding them again?


Well, shit, most of them can be tried as adults…


Weird thing about that “I am Spartacus” scene - didn’t the Romans basically just say ‘fuck it, then’ in response, and crucified all of them?


Yeah to date the only successful slave revolt I’ve ever heard of was the one in Haiti, but Hollywood has never been especially jazzed about that one because there weren’t any white heroes at the center of the story.


And Haiti as whole is still demonized in both media & pop culture, to this very day.


As a daily reader of WTFJHT since nearly day 1, let me say thank you for all that you do.

Your site and Amy Siskund’s Weekly List are essential for being able to stay on top of all the bullshit going on right now in US politics.

(And thank you for as well.)