Kellyanne Conway: lies are "alternative facts" and if the press says otherwise, there's gonna be trouble

Nice press you have there. Shame if something were to happen to it?


I can feel the “winning” rising in my throat right now. So much “winning.”


Let’s hope – ah okay, let’s wish – it’s instead a revived obsession with simply exposing the truth, which itself would delegitimize this president (as it would have Obama, actually).


Emperor Norton is the only true emperor. When he died in 1880, nearly 30,000 people packed the streets of San Francisco to pay homage.


That Spicer can get away with presenting virtually evidence-free information like this seems to indicate that far too many Americans have no idea how the process of truth and reality function. What makes these people swallow literally anything as long as it fits in with what they believe? I don’t even begin to understand.

So today I engaged with a typical-looking Trump-supporting nutbag on Twitter because he said George Soros was a Nazi SS officer in WWII. In what possible alternative universe could a Hungarian Jew born in 1930 (so 14 by the time war ended) been an SS officer during the German occupation of Budapest?? WTAF?? So I asked him for evidence. He sent me Soros’s “picture” in SS uniform (trivially falsifiable) and a link to a site called “Don’t Tread On Me” where there is a transcript from a 60 Minutes interview with Soros. In the interview he said his family had bought documents showing they were Christian in order to avoid Nazi attention, and he himself had gone with a Nazi to confiscate Jewish property in order the maintain the pretence. That was it. How do you get from there to an SS officer FFS? Oh and when I asked why he thought this might be true, the nutbag simply said “Because he hates people.” I’m no huge fan of Soros by any means, but if he hates people then he has a serious actions-vs-thoughts problem!


Are you sure about that? I thought the only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream.


“Stolen! How dare you, sir! This car is under alternative ownership.”


The correct answer is that you have minimized the unwarranted economic and regulatory burdens of the law.


Trump’s address to the CIA was bizarre in other ways. He claimed to have appeared on Time Magazine a record number of times. Last night, a Time editor noted that Hillary Clinton appeared more times, and that Richard Nixon was the actual record holder, because of scandals.

We’re dealing with a touch, thin-skinned, appearance-obsessed sociopath. Making him uncomfortable will distract him from bullying his agenda into shape.

OK . . .


Write a letter to your local newspaper, referencing any coverage about Trump’s claim, Spicer’s frantic presser, and Conway’s bizarre defense. Tell the editors that they must not accept any claim from the White House at face value. Outright falsehoods must be called out.

Write your Representative and Senators and tell them that they demand Congress should condemn the White House attacks on the press, which is necessary to a functioning democracy.

And yeah, the easiest thing your can do, which is to sign a petition to the press corps to stand as one against the bullying:


There has to be a good chance he’ll beat that, then.

(although I think he’s 45 covers behind, or something…)


Welcome to Trump’s world:

  • orange is the new tan
  • vacuous is the new insightful
  • fabrications are the new facts

This is why Trump is so eager to put tight controls on the mass media’s ability to do their job.
He cannot stomach being contradicted every time he spews another batch of BS.

Hey Conway,
Nice to see that you and Sean are stepping into your roles as co-directors of Trump’s newly formed Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.


The best thing the press should do is agree and have a unilateral boycott of all press briefings. The white house doesnt realize they NEED the press more than the press needs the white house.

Alternative facts. Welcome to orwell


I see what you did there.


I think that the more ridiculous it gets the more likely someone within the Federal government will feed something damning to Wikileaks, someone really concerned with Trump’s competence or with the direction he’s headed. The more Trump says “fake news and lies” the more that excuse will ring hollow.

If you saw Spicer’s press conference, he was practically yelling at the press, obviously angry and talking pretty loudly. That’s not a good image. There will always be a portion of the country that fawns over Trump and likes that kind of shit, but there are also those who voted for him because they didn’t like Clinton, or because they thought Trump was really going to change things for the better, and they are not going to be as receptive to this kind of ham-fisted pushiness and blatant double-speak. Or so I hope.


I hope Spicer is the first one of Trump’s tools who says fuck this shit, throws his WH badge to a security guy, and picks a random journalist in the press conference audiance and says “Hey, have a got a story for you!”


Yes, ever since that “CNN is fake news” press conference I’ve been saying the press needs to change the rules. Hell, if the Goblin refuses to answer a question, every reporter should attempt to ask the same question. I know they won’t, but I still think they should band together. When (if) the country becomes sane again, they can go back to competing and scooping each other.


“The defense seems to have been prepared according to the old rules. ‘If the facts are against you, hammer the law. If the law is against you, hammer the facts. If the fact and the law are against you, hammer opposing counsel.'”


I expected a lot more great memes on this absurdity by now. It’s too early in the trainwreck to get bogged down in snark-fatigue. Step it up everyone.



Is Spicer’s suit an alternative size 40, or is he shrinking into his new role?