Wait, no. Kelly. Anne. Fucking. Conway. actually complained that the press was full of opinionated pundits rather than news. And she did it on Fox and Friends. The irony - it burns! It fucking burns!
“You know, the media and other opinion leaders, they were way too afraid of President Obama and his administration. They’re not afraid enough here.”
Just one more thing in the long list of things Obama was better at.
Obama Did It Better needs to be a meme, just to piss off 45’s fangirls…
"Does anyone have any evidence that Trump was born in the USA?
Well, I’d say it’s really the only American thing about him.
Have some sympathy. Conway will soon go from kneeling on couches in the Oval Office to a precarious existence as a paid speaker at conservative conferences, or if she is lucky a host of an early-morning Fox News show where she has to shill robot attack insurance.
Suddenly it all starts to make terrible sense…
Trump didn’t attack Obama because of what he did, he attacked what Obama did because Obama did them. His attacks never constitute criticism of the actions themselves. If Trump felt his audience would have been receptive, he would have gone after Obama for breathing.
Not just Obama, but everyone. Every single thing he’s attacked someone for, it’s doubly true of Trump. I wouldn’t be surprised if we found out Trump was actually a woman, given how often he brought it up with Hillary.
You know, the media and other opinion leaders, they were way too afraid of President Obama and his administration
You know, this may actually accurately describe many of the pundits… on Fox News. They were, indeed, extraordinarily afraid of Obama’s presidency without cause, and are unafraid of Trump’s presidency despite ample cause. Of course, stopped clocks and all. Plus she’s only right from the opposite perspective of the one she herself occupies.
Eeehxcuse me for being blunt, but he ticks the boxes on the US of A stereotype test. With big felt marker crosses. The greatest crosses. The best stereotypes. More than all of them.
Seriously, if he did a Dubbya accent, would wield an M16 from the hood of a dragster and would cry “from my cold, dead hands” a ripple in reality would open, DEATH would step through and order popcorn and a curry. With additional avec. For the fun of it.
His hands are rather dainty.
This really needs a lot more Likes!
You may be right. It read pretty cool, but I confess I have no idea what he’s talking about. References that I don’t get?
I can’t bring myself to wish ill to anyone, but…I will read Conway’s obituary with great pleasure (h/t to Clarence Darrow).
A bunch of pop culture references.
But that was good enough for me!
They’re not afraid enough here.
Well, I for one have been very afraid since November.
Nah - let’s piss off Trump. Hit him where it hurts.
Obama is a better golfer - and he went to better schools. He’s like, a
smarter person.
I’m smoking weed like a chimney over here. Afraid? I’m f’ing freaking out!
emphasis on the “little.”