Kentucky cop drove rape victim to hotel and raped her again, says prosecutor

Police are supposed to represent an authority over wrongdoing. They are supposed to represent democratically instituted laws and not themselves. Done right, policing makes vendettas unnecessary. Otherwise, the relatives of the rape victim might just take the law into their own hands if they believe there is no other justice. And they won’t deliberate


Somewhere uncomfortable.

Like a volkswagon beetle.


I was thinking Hannibal Lecter, personally; but Dexter pre-season 5 will do.

Liked for the Mall Rats reference.


I’m thinking face tattoo.


Tampering with his face using a tattoo needle that is.

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From the linked article:

From that location, Nissen and the other individual put money together to take the victim to Wal-Mart to buy a phone.

And that’s all that was said about that. I want to know why they bought her a phone. Is that not weird? And what kind of phone would require them to pool their money? Is that something that cops with intent to rape do these days?

“Oh shit. We’re stopping at Wal-Mart. Please.don’’… crap! Nokia!

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Plausible deniability.


With a volkswagon beetle.


I did a double-take when I saw “Kentucky” there, because I assumed it was about an almost identical case that happened locally in recent years. This story could have some of the details removed and apply to cases all around the country happening all the damn time.

I don’t want people like this guy to live on this planet anymore. I’ve got a fucking flamethrower that could help accomplish that, too.

That’s a still straight out of a fucking horror movie. (Like an actual scary one, not a crap one.)


Waiting? Not me.

His commander will attempt to discipline him, but the all-powerful Police Union will get involved and he’ll end up getting a bonus and promoted. You’ll never solve the rogue cop problem until you do something about the excessive power of police unions. The inmates are running the asylum.


Warning: don’t read the source article in the Pioneer News, it will leach 25 IQ points from your brain.

Go for the root of the problem. Lobotomy… make sure to scrape LOTS of brain out as this guy needs to lose most fine motor function and speech.

Not even in jail, under the jail. That badge is a promise to the people. It is a trust. So upset, can’t even use pronouns.

The blame doesn’t belong solely to police unions. If the system wasn’t working as intended, city and county leaders across the country would do a better job negotiating Collective Bargaining Agreements to include meaningful, progressive discipline and adding a clear list of violations that will strip an officer of qualified immunity.


I always thought paralyzation from the neck down would work.

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So they could rape her and she would feel like she owed them something. Make it more likely she wouldn’t fight, less likely for her to report the rape, make them look like “good guys,” and make it less likely a report would go anywhere.

It’s the missing testes I think that reduce the sex drive. Being a predator though? That’s not about sex. What this guy needs is incarceration and lots of therapy.

I get what you are saying, in theory, but…

I can’t imagine, as the victim, valuing a phone so much that rape is a-ok in my book.

That’s putting a lot of faith in the captivating ability of Snapchat.

If I didn’t want someone to report what I’ve done, I think the last thing I would give them is a phone.

Again… not sure what phone I could be given to think of my rapists as “good guys”… “Sure, I was raped, but look! Snapchat! Those were some swell guys, for rapist cops.”

The only way I can think of that would work is if, in his defense, he said she agreed to give him oral sex in exchange for the phone, turning it into a case of exchanging goods for services instead of straight up rape, but even if that was what is happening, that would still be illegal. Doubly so – in my opinion – since he is a cop that was supposed to be taking her to her house, not arranging sex for trade. And he needed help paying for the phone! Plus, nothing else was mentioned about the phone in the article, or how it fits into everything.

It’s just so weird to me. If it makes sense to you, great I guess?

ETA this was mentioned in another post thread, and it further supports what you are saying:

I can’t imagine why a cop who plans to rape someone would bother trying out marketing psychology. Maybe I’m just prejudiced, but I feel like a cop’s go to tactic would be coercion and threats.

I’m not saying she would view it as OK, and I am certainly not saying she would somehow be distracted while being raped. But buying her a phone, possibly a nice phone, would probably make her feel a little bit obligated to men who are already in a position of authority, at a time when she is traumatized and vulnerable. The combination of those factors would make it less likely she would fight or report the rape. Being so generous would also make her trust them more, even beyond their position of authority, so that she would allow herself to be convinced to go into a hotel room with them (or one of them? did the other cop rape her too?) Have you ever read “The gift of fear” by Gavin De Becker? He calls that gift-giving or insisting on being nice as “Loan Sharking. Giving unsolicited help to the chosen victim and anticipating they’ll feel obliged to extend some reciprocal openness in return.” It’s a tactic predators use to gain a victim’s trust.
Decent blurb on the book:

I meant that buying her the phone would make the men look generous and caring- thus less capable of being rapists in the eyes of people other than her.

Again- by making her feel obligated to them for the phone at a time when she is super vulnerable might make it less likely she would report it, especially with the goods-for-sex angle. Victims of rape are already primed to blame themselves and to think no one would believe them, and society’s views on rape just reinforce that.

I’m sure it did. Once he got her into the hotel room.