Kentucky woman launches into racist rant against other shoppers, who ignore her

I assumed it was “I knew it’d be an old white lady with a bad haircut” more than a comment on whether or not she was attractive.


“You’re a nobody.”

How do you heal that?


Just because you’re nobody doesn’t mean you’re no good.

It doesn’t make it alright. It’s the worst excuse in the world.


OK, but you said

[quote=“Mister44, post:19, topic:91543”]
Even before the recent empowerment from Trumps win, old women bitching in line is a Holiday Tradition I see pretty much every year, though not usually with the racial/nationality slant.
[/quote]I’m not sure what you are trying to say. Is it that the old women were always racist, and now they are actually being racist instead of just angry and censoring themselves? Because otherwise aren’t you saying that there is a new, previously silent angry old lady in holiday lines that had racist and nationalist thoughts that after the election was embolden to speak out in that way?


Well this lady certainly is in the Christmas spirit! I mean like she has never gone shopping with a friend or offspring split up and met back at the checkout then walked off to peruse some bauble then returned to the line with said bauble? Of course not! sheesh

Kintuck is a world away from where I am now, but i grew up a half hour north of there and the racism is deep and ugly. I moved away just as fast as I could and never looked back.

If I had been in that line I would have said quietly, “it is Christmas time, can’t you at least try to show a little spirit of the season ma’am?” She’d a probably pulled a gat from her purse and drilled me a few new holes, but at least there would have been witnesses, right? some video surveillance mb

The Drumpf years are going to get ugly. Let’s hope we don’t have another Reichstag fire, i mean terrible attack (since these morons are too busy looting to take care of things like Presidential Daily Briefings and security and basics like that).


I like to think that maybe I’d start singing. “You’d better not shout / You’d better not cry / You’d better not pout / I’m telling you why…”


Damn, that’s a good track.


During our misspent youth, my brother and I did this to interrupt a fight between our parents. We felt reasonably confident that neither of them would shoot us.


Incidents like this are up since the election according to the Southern Poverty Law Center and racially motivated crime is up according to the FBI. They have been up since Trump started running, actually, though there was a further spike when he won.

So I take your point, we can’t blame Trump’s election for this incident, but I think we might reasonably be able to blame Trump’s election for about 20-40% of this incident, I can’t find good numbers to be more precise.

We used to think that people like this were disregarding societal norms and so we thought, “Let’s just give them a wide berth.” Sort of like how before 9/11 we thought we should just do whatever the hijacker said. Things change. The recent spike in incidents like this is about people disregarding societal norms, it’s about them thinking societal norms have changed. We need to remind them that this Onion article isn’t a joke:

The “let’s not jump to conclusions” crowd usually show up to these parties, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a case this weak. Give it a rest. There is no way to take her statement other than for it’s obvious face value.


I know profiling is wrong but from the looks of her I’m guessing that she didn’t even attempt to kindly ask the lady not to cut in line but, instead, launched from the chute into a full-on racist rant.


The most thoughtful reporting I’ve seen on the racial angle of trump voters is that they see minorities as undeservedly “cutting in line.” That they don’t work as hard, suffer as much, etc as white people who are paying for the line-cutters. The woman in this video is literally expressing that exact belief in her complaints that the person in front of her is a nobody who is in front of her in line.

Here’s one example - 64% of trump voters think “average americans” have gotten less than they deserve. But only 12% of trump voters think the same thing applies to black americans. (frankly its a little concerning that clinton voters think blacks have it equal to average americans)

Here’s a summary from a MotherJones article from a sociologist who has been studying rural white america for five years:

You are patiently standing in the middle of a long line stretching toward the horizon, where the American Dream awaits. But as you wait, you see people cutting in line ahead of you. Many of these line-cutters are black—beneficiaries of affirmative action or welfare. Some are career-driven women pushing into jobs they never had before. Then you see immigrants, Mexicans, Somalis, the Syrian refugees yet to come. As you wait in this unmoving line, you’re being asked to feel sorry for them all. You have a good heart. But who is deciding who you should feel compassion for? Then you see President Barack Hussein Obama waving the line-cutters forward. He’s on their side. In fact, isn’t he a line-cutter too? How did this fatherless black guy pay for Harvard? As you wait your turn, Obama is using the money in your pocket to help the line-cutters. He and his liberal backers have removed the shame from taking. The government has become an instrument for redistributing your money to the undeserving. It’s not your government anymore; it’s theirs.


This lady needs to understand that she is not the only one around here.


Goes with this article I saw today:


I received that Specials album for my 13th birthday in 1980 and just about wore it out on the turntable over the years. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.


This isn’t 'Nam, Smokey. There are rules.

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That is among the most insane worldviews I have ever heard articulated.

Temporarily embarrassed millionaires indeed.


It’s like AM Radio has taken over the nervous system of a huge chunk of the baby boomer generation.


I’m permanently embarrassed. For us all.


Kind of glad (understatement) to live in a part of the country where this kind of behavior will likely get your ass berated, and quite possibly beat.


Can we just stop saying stuff like this? I’m older than this woman, and there is absolutely nothing I or my friends have in common with her, or with Donald Trump or just about any Republican voter. (I’m in Canada, but I know I could find kindred spirits in the US.)

I see plenty of millennials waving Confederate flags at Trump rallies, but I don’t assume they represent their entire generation. Certainly my kids and their friends (millennials) don’t share that hateful worldview.

Who do you think benefits from the tactic of divide-and-conquer by age?