Why is the issue of marriage licences carried out by an elected official? Why is this not like… and administrator’s job?
Holy shit I would never email my internal narrative about myself, my daily activities and the people around me to anyone. Under any circumstances. It’s a bit more whimsical, a lot less biblical and 100% less hateful, but still pretty fucking weird.
Did you just post your internal narrative to BoingBoing?
The moment it adversely affects people who want nothing to do with it.
Yeah, just message it to me.
There is only ONE Eagle… .right across from the Krispy Creme on Ponce! Next to the Kodak building.
Probably depends on your evangelical.
Millennialism tends to pop up historically (at least in the early modern/modern era) whenever things get bad or weird, or unstable socially. The Boxers were millenarian to some extent, and there have been several (often anti-colonial) Islamic movements that are led by someone claiming to the Mahdi (whose supposed to show up with the second coming). I wonder if he connects modern movements to those in the past? Looks like an interesting book, though.
See, you immediately knew it was a leather bar! Must be something about the Eagle that screams LEATHER BAR?
What did you say??? WHAT DID YOU SAAAAAYYYY???
Whatever turns you on.
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically be used by Donald Trump in a Fox News interview in 24 hours unless flagged)
I am getting mighty sick of this guy deleting his posts. You better own up to your jokes, son or I’m gonna start flagging these withdrawals as inappropriate actions.
#tosses flag onto playing field
(post withdrawn by author, will be accidently filed in a cabinet marked ‘Beware of Jaguar’ in 24 hours unless flagged)
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically be posted to parents’ Facebook page in 24 hours unless "flagged)
Fundamentalists failed their lit classes? Maybe?
EULA…Yeah, I almost blew wine out my nose!
I am going to tackle both of you muthafuckas on the next down!
So, basically, as soon as it’s applied?
Sooner, if its particularly egregious.