Kitten with head stuck in jar rescued

There’s nothing “urban” about vets. They’re even more important in rural areas, as peoples’ livelihood may depend on the health of their animals.


Yes and no. Do you also make a differentiation (language wise) between vets who take care of the big domestic (food and work) animals and the vets who take care of the small domestic animals?
Wich do you think you can find outside urban areas?
Ah, leave it. I suppose you’ve got the point.

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In rural settings, cats and dogs often ARE work animals.


Yes, but cheap, plenty available. Breeding as hell, do you know what they often do with a (oh, noo, not again) litter of kittens or pups?

Not that I do this, neutered all. But seen it a lot.
Do you really think peeps take these, indeed work animals, to a vet?

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Well, these idiots didn’t, but yes, other people do.

We are talking in circles isn’t?

And the persons you named idiots, are very kind and careful people.

Yes, we do.


Careful, maybe, But there’s no long term kindness in releasing cats into the wild, to make even more feral cats.

If I fits I si… Oh :sweat:


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