Kristen Stewart was told to hide her sexuality if she wanted to be in a Marvel movie

Exactly, I mean, I’m pretty sure if she wanted a Marvel part they would find a role for her. Like a new member of the Valkyrie corps, since, you know, Tessa Thompson is also bisexual (though only technically so, since she refused to be labeled as such) and she’s the King of Asgard!

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I think Hurt Locker sucked balls, in part because of him.
Stewart, well, she’s whatever it is that she is… I’ve just decided to quit ragging on her.

Ike Perlmutter is still the CEO of Marvel Entertainment, but he no longer has control of Marvel Studios. Kevin Feige got enough power that in 2015 he was able to convince Disney that he should report to Disney studio boss Alan Horn instead of reporting to Perlmutter.

Perlmutter was known to be sexist and racist, stopping projects like Black Panther and any solo female superhero movie like Captain Marvel. When the Sony had the email leak happened it included an email from Pearlmutter to a Sony executive against female superhero movies. As Sony was considering having a female superhero movie with one of the Spider-man characters.

Back in 2017, in Thor: Ragnarok, one of the leads Tessa Thompson, has said that she is attracted to both men and women but says she doesn’t like the bisexual label. In the next Thor movie, her character, Valkyrie will apparently have a female love interest.

While not officially announced there are rumors that Miss America (America Chavez), a lesbian character will get her own Disney Plus show. The character is currently in the animated Marvel YouTube series Marvel Rising.


Well to be fair. I don’t run around screaming from the rooftops how bad I think her acting is, I save that for Michael Bay’s directing.

And she’s the one who willfully turned the spotlight on herself on this one.


To be fair, she can both be an actor you don’t enjoy and can have been discriminated against for her sexuality. It’s not like hollywood in general has a great track record on LBGQT+ representation or inclusion in front of and behind the camera.


But she’s not wrong? She’s not wrong at all…

Anybody telling anyone to tone down “hand-holding” in order to help their career is gross.

She doesn’t seem to be attacking anyone other than whoever gave her that advice.


Recent articles about Valerie Harper’s career underscore that this goes beyond Hollywood and queerness. The described restrictions set by CBS for The Mary Tyler Moore Show were telling. There’s a lot of effort put into deciding who is an “acceptable” messenger to bring what TPTB consider to be non-mainstream people, relationships, art, or ideas to the masses. In that way, they also control who profits from that exposure.


:rofl: The best description!


I’d love to know who told her that if she’d have to hide her sexual identity to get a gig with Marvel (presumably Marvel Studios). Interesting (to me) that Harper’s didn’t care to provide the info; then again, they got the clickbait headline so why bother with a fact or two. Adds work and only informs a reader. Clearly not worth the work.
Flip side is that since it’s not Marvel but someone, I wonder how close this person to Team Kristen. Hope not a manager, agent or friend because she deserves better.

…and look how many actors became politicians, or how many career politicians act like public servants for popularity and votes. I wish people would get over the myth that popular means good or competent.

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I loved that. Still.
Inexplicably wants me to scarf a bunch of Totinos though.

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I can’t say who may be on team Kristen, I’m on team Triss.

They’d likely leave Tessa Thompson as the major entity associated with Valkyrie, no reason to leave a big name as just a second Valkyrie. X-men is synching up with MCU, and most of those parts will be recast. There’s easily biggish name characters (Kitty Pryde, Rogue, Psylocke, Dazzler, Polaris, X-23, Emma Frost, Mystique) that will be recast. As well as dozens of big name female villains, as well as whatever heroes they feel like using.


What does that even mean? Can we assume that she does not wear mixed fabrics, or does she just believe it, but not adhere to its teachings?


I’m guessing Creationism, anti-LGBTQ, and other things that could or could not be in there.


This is why Keanu has a career.

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I’ve never actually seen her in any big Hollywood movies, and the small foreign/indie movies she’s been in, she’s been fine, so I’ve never understood the hate. I imagine it’s 90% down to the Twilight movies in which no one exactly came out looking good.


Also, apparently the “Eternals” movie has a gay character. Though given the importance of the Chinese market, and what they censor over (and what Disney self-censor to get movies shown there), I’m wondering if that information will be conveyed in short scenes that will get cut for the Chinese version…


Kind of reminds me of how the original run of Sailor Moon that was broadcast in the US made Sailors Neptune and Uranus “cousins” when it aired on Toonami in the 90s…



It’s weird to watch certain European films where they actually throw up some black bars in the US version (or clearly cut out whole scenes) just because the US distributor didn’t know how to handle nudity…