Kyle Rittenhouse missing

Yes, that is a good point (my mental health thanks you). Still, even one actual human being making those kinds of comments makes me sick to my stomach. I just hope that it’s mostly bots/propaganda accounts.

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Alas, a lot of it is real. :frowning:

Bots are always a nuisance, but unfortunately I know far too many people in meatspace who think and act the same. Sadly a number of them are family members.

I’ve had to cut communication with several because it just became too toxic. They spew a near constant stream of inaccurate information and any polite questioning of their beliefs or pointing out of obvious falsehoods would become a call for all their like-minded friends to verbally attack and harass.


Which makes Rittenhouse a fugitive and his lawyer a criminal. The lawyer deliberately lied to the Court as to his client’s address which aided in what amounts to bail jumping.


Typical cult behavior, sadly. :frowning: Sorry to hear it. As far as I know, I only have one Trumper in my family, and he’s pretty good at keeping a lid on it.


Except now that looks like a payoff for Rittenhouse to escape justice considering Wood’s subordinate lied to the court about their client’s whereabouts.


Could be the play:

It’s not illegal to lie to your subordinate.
The subordinate didn’t lie, because he didn’t know what the truth was.

Therefore, no crime was committed.

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Your honor, I plead not guilty by reason of “game of telephone”.


It’s possible that some of these regimes have since been relaxed in the face of CoVID, or for reasons of social justice, but I have my doubts.


Nope. When you make a representation to the court as a lawyer, you are putting yourself out as being responsible for it. The lawyer has a duty to verify facts they are going to give the Court.

Plus he compounded the lies with more lies about a fictitious police captain giving him advice.


Four years ago, I would have agreed with you; but this time around He Who Shall Not Be Named got even more votes than he did the first time. Plus, I live in Texas, so…


I continued listening to the audiobook of The Cult of Trump on my walk today, and the more I listen, the more astoundingly evident it is that a literal cult phenomenon has occurred, is occurring, and if anything, may be picking up steam, at least with some elements.

I think the marked drop in Trump’s popularity post-election shows that some are peeling away – even people who may have voted for Trump in 2020. This is to be encouraged, by as many means possible.


Here is my surprised face. -_-

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That was because voting by mail is far more convenient and brings greater turnout than going to the polls.

Although it was discouraged by Republican leadership, many GOP voters took advantage of how easy it was.

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