You heard that shit too, huh?
He might as well have called Barnes “one of the good ones.”
You heard that shit too, huh?
He might as well have called Barnes “one of the good ones.”
Stickers check out.
It’s more than a little desperate on the part of cops and their copsuckers to try to lump firefighters and paramedics into their stupid Punisher worship. I don’t know very many firefighters, but the ones I do know aren’t particularly fond of police. I do know a lot of paramedics and they generally loathe cops. There was already distrust, but the murder of Breonna Taylor sealed it.
Right? Great opportunity to say in return something like, “Well I’m sure Senator Johnson’s family provided him with a [air quotes] good upbringing too.”
Right? But then again, Barnes got the assignment correct, unlike Johnson. The reality is that Johnson and the MAGA wing are just so filled with hate for anyone who isn’t just like them, that they can’t say anything nice, not even to fake it. You know… like REAL Christians! /s
All these fuckers have is hate and tax cuts…
And (supposedly) lower gas prices.
I despair for my country whenever I realize how so many of them consider high gas prices a primary reason to vote against whatever party’s in power. Especially these days, when most vehicles I see out there are gas-chugging behemoths.
It’s something that the president and congress only have so much control over, in part because of the role that OPEC+ plays in prices of a barrel of oil. But the media is party to blame for that, because of how they often do a piss-poor job at explaining that to the public.
What’s got into these dudes? WTAF? Neil Oliver. John Cleese. I mean… these are humans with public faces, big platforms, and heretofore (I’d thought) working noggins.
Is BoJo Truss just the latest variant of some truly crazy-making virus that started around, oh, I dunno, Thatcher?
Really good reading here, get ready for some howlers:
Well done, Laurie Penny!
Or should I spin the clock back farther back to… the beginnings of the UK’s modern monarchy?
News of Cleese and Oliver going to the dark side affects my ability to appreciate things like Monty Python and some of the Beeb’s historical documentaries Oliver hosted. Ugh.
Time to expand my horizons and interests. Nay, well past time.
If any of y’all have favorite anthropology and archeology presenters who are not poco loco in the coco please do speak up!
I read the Laurie Penny article this am and it’s relevant, so I added it.
I can still watch Rat Race with ease, because Cleese plays a rich, villainous asshole who thinks he can do whatever he wants…
FTFY (?)
Maybe not entirely villainous?
Oh, no; quite thoroughly.
Right? Acting/not acting.
Coming soon to Fox News, DeSantis in a ball pit trying to look like he enjoys it
He continued: “But I suspect, and I’ve talked to you guys about this before … again, it’s the degree to which conservative media just has a lock on how people are presented. The dominant narratives there are so powerful that people will vote for DeSantis even if I’m not sure that they would really have a great time.”
Favreau said: “He does not seem like a lot of fun.”
Obama replied: “Hanging out with that guy.”
Lovett then chimed in and said that DeSantis’ demeanor “would be a problem” if the Republican runs for the White House against former President Donald Trump.
“You just can’t sound like Trump,” Lovett said.
Favreau then poked at DeSantis again, calling him “Trump without the charisma.”
Alice Roberts?
i do and i have been holding back saying it here because of my nearness to him.
first: YouTube channel Artifactually Speaking is not a “loco” presentation from an archaeologist/anthropologist and covers a lot of ground from Near East Antiquities to more modern “artifacts” of currency, economic anthropology and “commerce” - the systems of trade, barter and securities and significance throughout cultures and history all the way to discussing applying archaeological methods in discussion of modern “antiques”.
full disclosure: the presenter is WB “Brad” Hafford, phd, of University of Pennsylvania happens to be my own Dear Brother and currently Director of Research Excavation at the site at Ur, in Iraq and a curator at the Penn Museum’s Near East Antiquities department. his video posts from the excavation at Lagash, earlier this year were informative and interesting, while his Money Talks vids introduce some great questions into “what is money” along with some beautiful examples of coinage and bank notes from around the world with historical references.
do check out his response to the “Baghdad Battery” he is also a pretty fun guy.
Asking the dem candidate first had to be on purpose. Fucking theatre.