Late Stage GOP Fascists Events 🖕🏾🍊🤡 (Part 4)

Conservative fearmongering about cannibalism reminds me of an old animated parody of 1950s PSA films called Cannibalism and Your Teen.


No charges?

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Must have forgotten his power adapter.


“Dunno John, are you still a Nazi?”


Wait until they put laws and funding rules in place for “free speech” in universities, so that universities are forced to allow far-right trojan speakers dog-whistling genocide or lose funding…

And then send in the pro-cannibalism speakers, and see what they do.




Anyway, one of the topics about which Poochie likes to advise people is this idea of anti-wokeness, about which I’ve written a bit. For a brief refresher, “woke” is a term that Black people coined many years ago to describe their growing awareness of the systemic nature of injustice in general and white supremacist racism in particular. And some years ago, white supremacists who wanted to defend the systemic nature of injustice in general and white supremacist racism in particular, and who knew that awareness represents the beginning of the end for these sorts of things, did what such people usually do when they see something Black people own that they want to use for whatever reason: they stole it. They claimed “woke” for themselves and used it to mean a whole raft of things that boil down to “the existence of people we supremacists do not consider to be valid is not only annoying but threatening, not only threatening but existentially dangerous, and therefore those people deserve even more accelerated and entrenched systemic abuse and state-sanctioned violence.” And now in many states there are laws that make it dangerous for teachers to teach about Black history, and for trans people to live at all, and on and on.

So that’s “woke” for you. Anti-woke, as you might guess, is simply the state of being against things that are “woke” by supremacist definitions. Practically speaking, anti-woke is an organized and energetic supremacist opposition to awareness in general and against the demand for equality and diversity and inclusion and equity in particular. For a lot of people, it’s a way of saying “I don’t like Black (or gay or trans or whatever) people to exist without my permission” without actually saying that—and it’s just the newest way of saying it; there have been many others. Once you can say that you’re anti-woke instead of saying you’re a supremacist, then you can say all sorts of supremacist things, and now white supremacists are blaming the very existence of Black pilots for plane crashes, in order to make the larger case that Black people should not be hired for any sort of important (e.g. well-paying) jobs, for example. And they are making that case to establish themselves as the people who should get to bestow permission upon what jobs Black people should be permitted to have, and other ways that Black people and other types of people that supremacists do not deem valid should be allowed to exist in society. It’s a very popular topic on the airwaves these days.

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What a piece of shit…


Well, damn; it actually happened.

What else should I “hope” for, folks?


That in a bizarre twist of fate and turn of events, Taylor Swift becomes president?


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Also, it’s clear that the whole focus on Taylor Swift was a false flag operation anyway… since Beyonce, scion of the illuminati, dropped a new album at the super bowl… we all fell for it like the sheeple we are, focused on Swift and her football!!! /s



I had heard there was some kind of disruption before and after the Usher concert this weekend in Vegas. Is that what they called it?


Something about superb owls, I thought… and Taylor Swift and her boyfriend!


Mad Tommy Wiseau GIF by The Room


All you have to do now to filibuster is send a text, right? Xitter counts too?

Tom Cotton echoes fellow GOP senators, saying former president was ‘simply ringing the warning bell’

In Trumpworld threatening friends and allies is fine, but refusing to say even a single critical word about Putin is just good diplomacy.

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