Late Stage GOP Fascists Events ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿพ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿคก (Part 4)

Cue Fascist outrage over โ€œsilencingโ€ their base. Fuck them.



Itโ€™s an improvement but not all is well or good:

Tuberville had little choice but to back down. Senate Democrats had introduced a proposal that would let the Senate make a one-time exception to its rules to confirm the military appointees, and it had garnered enough Republican support that it was going to pass if Tuberville did not shift his position.

He allowed the Senate to vote to confirm almost all of the top-ranked military positions, but will keep his hold on four-star generals, blocking 10 or so of the most senior military promotions.



iโ€™m a broken record i know, but thatโ€™s absolutely the plan of a man waiting for โ– โ– โ– โ– โ– โ€™s reelection. i canโ€™t wait for the gop to go down in flames next year


Itโ€™s almost as if they donโ€™t like the vindictive, limp dick MAGA energy



Two months after its leader was caught hosting white supremacist Nick Fuentes, a prominent consulting firm for far-right candidates and groups is operating under a new name.

In a Nov. 13 filing with the Texas Secretary of State, an attorney for Pale Horse Strategies LLC wrote that the firm would also conduct future business under the name โ€œWest Fort Worth Management LLC.โ€

The firm is owned by former state Rep. Jonathan Stickland, and is heavily involved in right-wing politics in Texas.

Pale Horse Strategies has already used the new name to recruit for job openings on a website for right-wing groups, advertising for copywriter and event coordinator positions. The summary for one of the jobs, however, includes the name โ€œPale Horse Strategiesโ€ and invites potential candidates to apply if they โ€œwould be a good fit for this position at PHS.โ€


He wouldnโ€™t be facing charges is not for the far right. No one would. If you paid what you owed they move on. Unless there was some serious violations or related crimes.


i thought clarence thomas was getting prosecuted for tax evasion due to all the gifts he didnโ€™t report. so i mean, if they can apply the law to a supreme court justice, a presidentโ€™s adult son seems fair game.

don't mind me this just in GIF by


I havenโ€™t seen any charges filed against Thomas yet.

Anyone can be prosecuted. The question is whether the law is being applied equally or maliciously. It shouldnโ€™t matter whose son one is either way.


sorry i thought the gif worked as itโ€™s own /s

yes, i agree with you completely


Assholes; all the way down.


Would it be possible to charge Ken Paxton for practicing medicine without a license?

Because this seems like the time to do it:


Do you know who isnโ€™t being consistent in this debate? House Republicans, and Republicans in general, thatโ€™s who. In fact, in case you just rose after many years of slumber, until this very last week Republicans were spending the majority of their time not fighting against antisemitism, or any other hate speech, or taking any other action in the name protecting a marginalized group of people, from hate speech. Instead, they were fighting for the inclusion of marginalizing speech as an absolutely necessary and vital aspect of what must be allowed in an open marketplace of ideas, in the name of defending free speech. It has been the daily persistent conservative drumbeat that the real problem facing our nation today is not hate, but what they call โ€œwokeness,โ€ and that in order to combat โ€œwokeness,โ€ they intend to subsidize and promote the most hateful and marginalizing speech you can imagine, as much as possible, as proudly as possible, to give hate a chance to run free of any fetters that might have been holding it downโ€”fetters like basic human decency, and public outrage, and yes, even student protest. And not only that, but they have been focusing this broadside most intensely exactly upon the educational system, and most specifically universities.

Thatโ€™s right: Republicans spent a solid decade insisting that university presidents make their campuses bastions of free speech by allowing marginalizing and othering hate speech most specifically, and then called university presidents onto the carpet and made enormous amounts of political hay over the fact that university werenโ€™t opposing hate speech sufficiently or vociferously enough . Republicans created an incentive system whereby university presidents would be a group uniquely reluctant to unequivocally oppose hate speech, would in fact be people most likely to draft lawyerly equivocating answers and policies to the exact question โ€œwould you accept genocidal talk on your campus?โ€ Having established this reality, Republicans used the very tolerance for hate speech they had manufactured to frame themselves as being in opposition to the hate speech they have spent decades defending.



sassy bird GIF


What a maroon.


One more authoritarian, thatโ€™s how authoritarian. It goes to 11.
Christopher Guest These Go To Eleven GIF by Maudit