Late Stage GOP Fascists Events 🖕🏾🍊🤡 (Part 4)

This is some bullshit…

“Perry, who was stationed at Fort Hood, initiated the fatal encounter when he ran a red light and drove his vehicle into a crowd gathered at the protest. Foster was openly carrying an assault-style rifle – legal in Texas – and approached Perry’s car and motioned for him to lower his window, at which point Perry fatally shot him with a handgun” Plus the evidence showed before this he’d shared plans to shoot at least one BLM protester, and the best argument Perry could come up with for self-defence is he thought Foster was going to aim his rifle at him.

Frankly, it looks like if Foster had shot Perry dead right off the bat he would’ve had a way stronger case than that for “standing his ground” in self-defence.

So, I guess there’s two logical takeaways from this pardon.

  1. Next time some asshole drives into a crowd of protesters in Texas anyone in the crowd who is armed should just shoot them immediately - before they start shooting.
  2. It’s open-season on anyone legally open-carrying in Texas then. Because they could aim their weapon at anyone at anytime.
    (Although who am I kidding, it’s obviously only okay when you shoot black people or their allies /s)

Well, how else will “law and order” be restored… /s

joanna lumley rage GIF

There is a long history of Black military vets being activists in the struggle for Black liberation and then being murdered by either random white dudes or the state for their activism…


it’s meant to tell supporters that as long as they attack the targets given to them, the powers that be will protect them. don’t fall for undirected anger. channel your violence towards the people your betters tell you to. only then will you be protected, lauded, and loved

■■■■■ losing in november is going to be amazing. and afterwards, there will still be so much that has to change


Locally in the U.P., this has been a thing. There’s a lot of background and I don’t blame you if you don’t read the article and all the linked content.

Basically, 3 county commissioners were recalled because of reasons (firing an administrator for speaking truth to power, extolling the wonderment of carrying firearms into board meetings, and denying funding for 4H programing because of the evils of DEI). A lot of MAGA BS. It’s a lot.

These 3 county commissioners lost the special recall election.

The new commissioners can’t be sworn in because the MAGA wing of the board of canvassers is suspicious of the “ratios” in the election.

Be prepared for all the excuses in the elections to come. Ratios. Tea leaves. Chicken entrails. His laptop. Her emails. This is the playbook.

Everyone needs to vote up and down the ballot against the sycophants who will use any excuse to throw away democratic elections. Local elections matter.


In other words, fight as if our lives — and our democracy — are riding on it. Because they are.


U-Haul moving van shows up outside a particular Manhattan courthouse today:


It’s what a lot of us were expecting from Abbott.
Not that this expectation makes this situation any better.

Some friends this month are discussing leaving Texas. I am sure this is one more nail in the coffin for their hopes of staying here. Uprooting businesses, families, and more… it’s going to be interesting to hear where they choose to move to.

For those of us who are self-deporting to a safer U.S. state, who have had a bellyful and then some, things are as clear as they have ever been, here and now.


“Safer than Texas (or Florida)” is a pretty low bar, but safer harbors await.

Cookie Monster Love GIF by Sesame Street


WTF do they think democracy is?

New Girl Facepalm GIF by HULU


when we all bow to whatever they want…


they should really talk to the majority of americans who all want things like access to abortion care, healthcare, gun control, and a very long list of other things continually blocked by a tiny fraction of the population :confused:


Moreover, if you were to ask them what “freedoms” they are being “denied,” those example of denying others’ life, libety, and happiness would be at the top of the list.


Give them their way, and the next you know, Greater Idaho will be itching to annex Sudetenland Western Oregon due to all the repression of the MAGA peoples on the coast. (The industry and capital that they can steal is just a coincidence.)

Fascists never sit back and say “Cool! We have what we want. Everyone chill out and take a holiday.”


this part was pretty heartening:

For Smith, this is also about family values. “My concern is for my granddaughters,” she said. “What happens to their health if we become part of Idaho?” Idaho has a near-total ban on abortions.

… “My values are that we treat everyone equally. Especially because I have a trans grandson. The proponents [of Greater Idaho] think our values in this part of the state align more closely with Idaho. Well, mine don’t. So they don’t speak for everyone."

it is wild though how long people live in that part of oregon!

“We really don’t want you to come here and start telling us about why you can’t carry that gun or you need to drive an electric car,” he said. “We’ve been living this lifestyle for hundreds of years and we really just don’t want to change.

( and how long they’ve had cars! )


And apparently shooting tannerite with ARs since the Mayflower landed. :roll_eyes:


And the Mayflower Saints would have called them Strangers.


“I’m not concerned with an atheist. I’m not concerned with a Muslim,” she said when asked about teachers who might not subscribe to the Ten Commandments. “I’m concerned with our children looking and seeing what God’s law is.”

That statement alone should be enough to get their ass handed to them in court.