Originally published at: Laura Ingraham summarizes Democratic platform: "abortion, pot, porn, and more January 6 hearings" | Boing Boing
Sounds like a good time to me.
Sounds great.
She forgot to include taco trucks on every corner as she threatens us with a good time.
I’m still mad about that from 2016… what do people have against tacos?
She says it like it’s a bad thing.
Also, someone really ought to point out the blasphemy in which she’s engaging.
or religious freedom, small government, more freedom, and defending America from terrorists.
abortion, pot, porn
Though personally, I’m far more interest in MAJOR CONVICTIONS resulting from the Jan 6th hearings than I am the actual hearings themselves.
Keep the government out of:
My health care choices
My bedroom
My recreation technique
… and yes - don’t F’ with my Democracy
She may not realize that even a lot of Fox News viewers like pot and porn.
Why is Tom Petty on F@cks News?
We don’t know what it’s like to be him.
Hmm, not sure, but is religion something she is into? Total wild guess.
Laura Ingraham summarizes Democratic platform: “abortion, pot, porn, and more January 6 hearings”
And the problem with that is???
A perfect illustration of the “illusion of asymmetric insight”.
The problem is… They have “news” in their title.
The alternative is the current GOP platform of grift, lies, oppression, school shootings, and chastity belts.