Lawsuit: homophobic Hawaii cop arrested women for kissing in public

Try Karagarga if you can get in (I let my account lapse, sadly). It’s got most everything obscure cinema-wise.

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Oh, I guarantee we’ve got folks here can read wingdings as fast as standard alphabetical characters. If not, I’ll be disappointed in boingboingers.


Some people simply don’t like Love

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What’s love got to do with it?

(You made me think of that damn song and now its stuck in my head, damnit :D)


Well, the cop didn’t like it


Do people find it weird that the concept of “PDA”, “public display of affection” ties people’s actions to what is basically an emotional state? It’s too much like thought-crime for my taste. Consider, for example that some kiss a simple matter of social protocol:

Couldn’t it be that the kissed simply because they decided to? I am not suggesting that it is better or worse either way. Only that I find it weird that the majority of people spontaneously decide that they know what strangers were thinking or feeling. For example, law enforcement generally does not go after people for feelings of greed, or anger - but rather criminal acts which may or not be inspired by such feelings. It seems interesting that people use a different standard here.


It’s a second-hand emotion.


The typical non-thinking average religious person has been conceptually poisoned by the controlling and conservative Keep-It-The-Way-It-Was Freaks who do not want to loose their good thing and don’t mind keeping caring people as their prisoners in order to maintain the controller’s way of life.

why, in 2015, is this an issue?

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While I understand the sentiment, even agree with it on a certain level, don’t fool yourself into thinking that homosexuals, both male and female, are immune from fantasizing about straight people they find attractive. Sexual fantasy is just part of human nature, and there’s no harm in it. The same can’t be said about arresting two people for kissing.

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