Light turnout for Trump inauguration

To be fair one really needs to zoom in and adjust the contrast…

Via b3ta


I just had to explain to my relatives why i suddenly burst into loud laughter at random, i hope you’re happy :stuck_out_tongue:

(That was awesome, <3 b3ta)


Seriously, my suggestion for those who don’t like Trump is to attack his brand. Just like how CocaCola used santa clause to promote their softdrink, I think it’s possible to associate the Trump brand with well deserved nasty things.


Safest thing for her

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[quote]Mr. Berlusconi was able to govern Italy for as long as he did mostly thanks to the incompetence of his opposition. It was so rabidly obsessed with his personality that any substantive political debate disappeared; it focused only on personal attacks, the effect of which was to increase Mr. Berlusconi’s popularity. His secret was an ability to set off a Pavlovian reaction among his leftist opponents, which engendered instantaneous sympathy in most moderate voters. Mr. Trump is no different.

The Italian experience provides a blueprint for how to defeat Mr. Trump. Only two men in Italy have won an electoral competition against Mr. Berlusconi: Romano Prodi and the current prime minister, Matteo Renzi (albeit only in a 2014 European election). Both of them treated Mr. Berlusconi as an ordinary opponent. They focused on the issues, not on his character. In different ways, both of them are seen as outsiders, not as members of what in Italy is defined as the political caste.[/quote]


To an extent I agree, but political “debate” is impossible in the media.

To talk “evenhandedly” about Trump being a horrible individual means that the media has to concoct that the Dems are “equally” as bad on every subject.

The media doesn’t want issues. It wants “emails”.

How can we tarnish his brand any more than he’s already tarnished it himself? “Grab her by the pussy,” uttered by his own lips, had no effect. Spasmatic imitation of a disabled reporter, on camera, in high def, had no effect. What could we possibly do to top any of that?


Meanwhile, in the rest of the world…

It’s true. The more we discuss the disgusting aspects of him, the moderate Republicans shrug, his fans masturbate, the media prints “both sides” but refuses to take any.


Significant segments of the media have stopped playing ‘teach the controversy’. The Guardian, for example, fact-checked his inauguration speech in near real time, with nary a word about how awful Clinton or Obama were to. Other media outlets are the doing the same. I suspect that CNN will soon, if they haven’t already, drop the who ‘he said/she said’ schtick after what happened at the press conference, and other media outlets will have taken note.

Things are changing.


To be fair, if I was up against free weed I would even stand myself up for the chance.


I’m talking about the US media, where we harbor and cultivate these fucks. CNN international, from what I recall wasn’t nearly the cesspool that the US is.

And yes, I hope the rest of the world fights us but I fear we’ll end up “working together” to ill ends.

It’s not enough for our media to fact check, we need to detabloidify and stop covering shit. Let the alt right nazis have their own circlejerks without giving widespread media endorsement and normalization of their ideology.


No, that’s what it’ll look like when a Democratic president has only had four years to clean up the mess.


Ok, an average (unnamed) Super Mutant then.


That’s fair, liking him to trump was insulting :stuck_out_tongue:

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Turnout so sparse because the russian hacker percentage of trump’s supporters couldn’t make it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

He’s good with the cyber!

Also, how will his brand tarnish the U.S. world brand (America™) by association? I’ve already heard it referred to as Trump’s America™, which is frankly horrifying.


Well, like it or not, by hook or by crook, we elected him. He didn’t tarnish us. We tarnished us.

And though I’m not wishing for it, I’m predicting calamity, and the Republicans will own it. It will be all their’s, on their watch.


You’ll need to be 100% vigilant. Like the Tories here in the UK, they’ll spend near all of their time scapegoating blame onto anyone they can get away with.
Nothing will be their fault but somehow foreigners/the poor/the vulnerable/the disabled will become the root cause of all problems if you don’t keep on top of the lies…