LISTEN: In taped Trump phone call, he pressures Georgia secretary of state to recalculate election, ‘I just want to find 11,780 votes’

Sure, and I’m sorry if I implied you should pay that price. But, you know, pulling MAGA-style stunts obviously isn’t the only available form of resistance.


You didn’t, and no harm no foul.

I’m just pointing out that marginalized people like myself had little choice but to ‘go along to get along’; as the lowest on the totem pole, no one really gives a damn about us or what we think… so if ‘decent, upstanding White folks who believe in real democracy’ weren’t willing to stand up against the heinous attacks against it, what chance would POC and other disenfranchised groups have had?



We jumped from my “hey here’s another scary thing” to “people should be doing something about it.” I just meant to point out another scary thing, and also to express a wish, I guess, that we all could and would do something about it. Writing letters to my congresscritter never seemed worth the effort.



Our goal, always, should be to expand rights and especially the vote to the largest number of people, especially those who have been disenfranchised. That really is the most obvious and frankly, the most basic, thing we can do to build a better society. People who aren’t standing up for this most basic of building blocks of our democratic systems, and aren’t willing to defend against obvious attempts at sabotaging those systems, as we’re seeing here with Trump and his cronies, it’s pretty clear that they have no real interest in a free and democratic society.

But they’ve told us that, over and over again, these past few years. And sadly, far too many people who claim to oppose him haven’t taken him and his attempts to undermine democracy seriously or have been too busy imagining that the democrats are just as bad in this case.

I think many people now a days send emails. I do wonder if a massive physical lettter writing campaign (coupled with maybe a phone call drive to their offices) would send a louder message on these issues?


or get him to clarify what kind of “big risk” and criminal consequences trump was implying.

but really, they didn’t want those answers. they sounded more embarrassed by the conversation than outraged. it’s not like they don’t know the kinds of people who populate their party. nor the ways they worked prior to the election - and every election - to disenfranchise black americans.

trump is their embarrassing racist uncle because he says all the things they believe out loud. they’re not going to try to entrap him for the fun of it


Trump has been listening to Flynn, and apparently something’s up:

I figure Trump’s at least going to try to declare martial law between now and the 20th.


Right, though I’d guess what they’re more concerned about, laser focused on really, is not entrapping themselves.


Pack SCOTUS first.

Hell, their association with the NRA would justify it, by itself.


Once you reach the total number of impeachable offenses Il Douche has racked up, does another one really matter? He knows his cappos will back him up and that makes him literally above the law. Until he is out of office, he truly is untouchable.


No one is “untouchable.”



I think he’s trying to roll the meter over back to zero.


I completely agree – however, with a Republican controlled senate (and for a while, a Republican controlled house, another thing to be thankful for is that the house flipped) it has been shocking how “untouchable” this president has been to date.

Here’s hoping that changes when he is out of office.

I’m also praying :pray: for that double miracle in GA so we end up with a Democrat controlled senate… :crossed_fingers: … and beyond “thoughts and prayers”, I did everything I could to help. Staying hopeful.


Note: State crimes like threatening an election official or asking them to alter election results CANNOT be PARDONED by any President!
Trump is CLEARLY guilty of direct treason… and needs to be physically REMOVED from office IMMEDIATELY… BEFORE HE ORDERS THE U.S. MILITARY TO START *KILLING *PEOPLE!!!


Is Trump making similar calls to officials in other states he lost? Because he needs (needed) more than just Georgia to get 270 electoral votes. And it’s moot now since the states have already completed their part of the process.


I don’t know about currently, but he has made other calls and appeals to other officials, trying to get them to overturn results.


On 1/21 everything changes, but as things sit currently, I struggle to find any evidence for accountability. So l9ng as the Republican Party bows and scrapes before him, there is precious little that can be done. There are arguments to be made for not prosecuting him after he is out, but every one of them seems to end with the next one getting the chance to do worse and face no consequences.


Remember all the PA Republicans getting summoned to DC?


Or those Republicans from Michigan from Wayne CO invited to the white house to ensure they voted against certification of Black majority districts there.


It’s encouraging to me to hear them hold their ground against him. What he is trying to do is outrageous and should be legally punished, but overall I think the conversation shows how his power to intimidate and impose has diminished over the last few months.

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Yet, plenty of the GOP seem wiling to go along, thinking they’re gonna get something out of it. I’m glad the governor and Secretary of State of GA are holding the line. I wish more members of the GOP had a sliver of integrity like they have (which is about what it is, a sliver).